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Playing 5's

Playing 5's
Posted by Moojus (VIP) Feb 26 2006 1:28PM

This is one in which you must think about all consequences!<br><br>As the pone (non-dealer) you can get trapped for an easy 7 points with this. An example follows:<br><br>(P) Pone hand: 5-5-10-K<br>(D) Dealer: 5-6-7-10<br><br>P(10) D(7) P(5) D(6) [3 points for run] plus a go gives [4 points to dealer].<br>P(K) D(10) P(5) D(5) [2 points for pair] plus last card equal [3 points] for a total of 7 points to the dealer<br><br>A possible alternative:<br>P(10) D(7) P(Q) go to pone [1 point to pone]<br>D(10) P(5) D(5)[2 points for pair] P(6) D(5)[2 points for 31] [4 points to the dealer]<br><br>Should you lead with a 5 here? Most of the time I would not since I have 2 of them, however, I would evaluate the board position of both players to make that decision.<br><br>I know this is not a definitive answer. There may be others with better answers.<br><br>Happy Pegs,<br><br>Bob 'Moojus' Milk<br><br>

Leading the 5
Posted by mundunugu Mar 21 2006 5:23PM

I have found that there are times that leading a 5 can be effective. You are Pone and are holing a 5 and three different face cards. If you lead the five and the dealer scores a 15-2, you have a 75% chance of pairing their card. You also eliminate the possibility of getting your 5 trapped at the end of the hand. If the dealer has a five, he will not pair it, fearing you will come back with a pairs royal scoring 6 points. If the dealer does not score a 15-2 you have lost nothing. Granted that this does not always work but the odds are with you.Obviously this is a tactic you should not use too often, especially against the same player. Wiske

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