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Posted by GoDiva (moderator) Jan 30 2021 1:48PM

Sadly, after a very long illness, our dear friend Joker (pow4all) passed away on December 4th. He was one of my oldest friends on Game Colony and helped me a lot as a rookie TD 13 years ago. He said what he meant, but always with a bit of humour. We loved him and he will be greatly missed.

The battle is over
Posted by MAB (moderator) Jan 30 2021 6:06PM

David fought a good fight. He will be missed a lot. I have sure enjoyed his friendship and humor so much. I think he was playing and hosting on GameColony about 20 years. He could always make me laugh. Rest now Joker, you've earned it.

RIP Joker
Posted by BabyBlues26 (VIP) Jan 30 2021 9:19PM

Those we hold close to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in kindness that they have shared and the love they brought into our lives. My condolences go out to GC TD's, Admins, Players whom knew him and had the privilege to play him over the years, I also extend my condolences to his family & friends. RIP Joker, You will be missed BabyBlues26

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Feb 7 2021 12:00AM

I think Joker was the first TD whose playing name I worked out, which would've been 12 or 13yrs ago. He has the host I liked most back then when I first joined the sight. Reckon it only took about 2wks to work out that Pow4all never played in a tourney hosted by Joker, but would often play in the preceding & following tourneys. I let him know I knew his secret identity through direct messages when he was hosting & private messages when we played each other, it was a private joke we shared. I disappeared for 5 yrs or so & when I returned was a bit disappointed that neither Joker the TD or Pow4all the player seemed to be on site anymore. That remained the case for a year or two. Then one day pow4all & I played each other in a tourney. My initial post when I sat at the table to play him was "GL Joker, break a peg". he responded with a smiling emoji. I don't mind a chat during games, so I asked him if he'd ever pull his TD costume out of the closet again. He said he'd thought about it, so I suggested he did. About 2 or 3 months later he started hosting & I was privileged enough to play in a few of his tourneys. They weren't hosted at quite the same speed as they once were, but still enjoyed them. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, so can't complain about speed when I am a fairly slow player myself; as many would attest to, lol. Anyway, a good man, one of my favorite TD's & a worthy adversary when he was playing as pow4all. RIP.

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