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One Game Runners

One Game Runners
Posted by gjamies1 Jul 19 2020 3:27PM

It's been posted on here many times, players who play one game and run. It does this site no good, players get fed up of it.

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) Jul 28 2020 7:49PM

Tix players do not do that.

Posted by newbiedeb (VIP) Aug 9 2020 10:58AM

Very hard to find someone that will play a second game if they lose. Frustrating

onr game and run?
Posted by JennyMal Aug 14 2020 10:46AM

Two things: 1/ YOU may have demonstrated a superior ability in THEIR mind, so they are cutting their losses. If they WIN and run, that's even more frustrating as we are not given at least ONE chance to even up. 2/ If you are annoyed, make a note of their username for future....Days later play him again and WIN....when he asks for another game, press NO!

Posted by peterpel (VIP) Aug 14 2020 9:56PM

I find that sometimes the player is really slow, I find that frustrating. If they are slow I will not play a second game.

Posted by JAFU57 Aug 14 2020 11:33PM

I get 1-2 a day. Here's how I deal with them. When they run and the clock is winding down, go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea. When you come back, play someone else. Life is too short to worry about fake internet ratings and people who run

off topic.
Posted by Kazim_Kazim (VIP) Aug 15 2020 1:35AM

why does it matter if one runs or not if it's not ticket games? who cares about ratings? the running only matters if it's for money.

Posted by KharmaGames Sep 5 2020 2:02AM

I had no idea it was bad form to play a game to completion and run.. Earlier I won a game but I left the table right after because I was busy in real life. It was a ladder game but not a ticket game.

Posted by iPeg (VIP) Sep 20 2020 9:24AM

A 2/3 option would help to eliminate a lot of hard feelings for players who want at least a second game. Gamecolony needs to make this happen.

1 game runners???
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Sep 22 2020 3:36AM

Does the op make it clear b4 any cards are played that they wish to play a series of games??? Hundreds of times I have asked my opponent b4 any cards are dealt whether they want to play a best of 3 series (ie first to win 2 games, no dead rubbers) or just the 1 game. Also sometimes just say I only have the time or money to play 1 game. I let them decide & if they don't commit to playing more than 1 game, it doesn't matter if I win or lose, at the completion of the game I say ty for the game & leave. If u want to play multiple games, most will be cool with that if u make that clear at the start & they have time money to do so. But if u don't make that clear at the start, please don't accuse someone of doing a runner. When u use those words, it's pretty obvious you lost the 1st game & believe you will somehow get the better of them the more games that get played. sometimes that's true, other times it isn't.

One Game Runners
Posted by gjamies1 Sep 23 2020 12:01PM

Nice to see some replies here, and also to see that some players will talk! Most players don't acknowledge my gl or hi gl at all and when they play their one game, no thanks, no acknowledgement the other player is even there.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Sep 28 2020 10:57PM

Mute players frustrate me too. But as I said if they don't answer the question about the number of games they are willing to play. Regardless of result I leave the table, Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but unless they commit to multiple games from the get-go, I leave even if they challenge me to another game. Decisions are easy with hindsight, but if they can't make a decision with only foresight, TY for the game, but goodbye.

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) Sep 29 2020 8:36PM

Derc makes great points above. Would still like to see GC create a 2/3 format, almost like a doubling cube in backgammon. 2/3, 3/5, 4/7 etc., should be relatively easy to program.

One game runners
Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) Oct 1 2020 9:36AM

Thanks again for all the replies, but players have the length of the game to say they can only play one or I have to go after this one, but as I have said, they won't even acknowledge gl or hi. I have played on other cribbage sites, and they are now all gone, people loosing interest and no apparent friendliness. A shame, but guess thats life.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Oct 6 2020 6:35AM

Don't want to mention any names, but i just played a person who agreed to a best of 3 series (1st to win 2 games). I was up in the dying stages of game 1 by about 35 when they then conceded that game & reneged on their agreement to play a first to win 2 games. I can't remember their name, but Pretty sure it started with an R & ended with an aaa. Think people who clearly lie to their opponents like that are why the OP posted this. They make other $$$ players look bad just because they are too cowardly to stick to their original word. Makes me say aaaR out of frustration about being lied to & i'll NEVER play them again. She is obviously just a fair weather player, happy to play games when they win, but quits when they don't. Just the sort of loser that nobody likes playing.

Return game
Posted by iPeg (VIP) Oct 8 2020 9:54PM

A 2/3 option would solve this. Can the webmaster comment on what it would take to implement? Thanks in advance.

the stats
Posted by HappyChap (VIP) Oct 16 2020 4:49AM

i worked for the site for 12 years and like most i got peed of with people running after 1 game. so i started to do some states that really shocked me. the states are. if i lost the first game and found someone to play a second game i won around 80% of the second games. if i won the first game then this is shocking i lost 95% of the second games. yes i lost 19 of 20 games playing a second game. so basically if you win the first game run like hell because there is a very good chance you aint going to win the second game

One game runners
Posted by Hitche Mar 29 2021 12:26PM

Each player is free to do as he pleases. If there’s an issue it’s mine. I’ve played this site long enough to know I simply do what I desire and if your feathers get ruffled, oh well!!!

one game "runners"
Posted by TexasRose (VIP) Mar 29 2021 2:52PM

I will admit I have done this. Is there anyone who hasn't? Cast the first stone. Have been times where I really had to go after one game. I have left after losing and winning. Can't please everyone all the time. ONE THING EVERYONE SHOULD REMEMBER....IT'S JUST A GAME

get over it people
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Mar 30 2021 11:07AM

Unless you clearly state at the start of a game; prior to any cards being dealt, that you wish to play a series with someone & wait until they agree to do so, DO NOT WHINGE NOR ACCUSE THEM OF RUNNING JUST BECAUSE YOU LOSE THE GAME. If they agreed to a series of games & then leave after winning u have a legitimate gripe. But unless that is discussed before any cards are played either the winner or loser can choose to just play the one game it's as simple as that.

Posted by Napmaster Apr 13 2021 3:47PM

I always play best of 3, win or lose

one game runners
Posted by hantscricket (VIP) Apr 14 2021 6:56AM

Is this any worse than players who don't play to protect their ratings? ratings?

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) Apr 23 2021 12:14AM

It is exactly the same thing. Quit worrying about ratings and play for the fun of it. If your ratings are so important, then maybe some real tournaments in the ACC should be more up your alley.

Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) Apr 25 2021 9:11AM

Anyone tell how they work? Recent player, no names, played 8562 games, won 4320(50.46%) lost 4242(49.54%) rating over 2600. I cannot see the logic on what is a 50/50 split having such a high rating.

As above
Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) Apr 28 2021 10:10AM

Just played 3 games, 1606 at start, won the first, lost the second and won the third, now 1599, logic somewhere lol

rating, ranking, win/loss, etc.
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Apr 28 2021 11:36AM

-- ELO rating is just one of many player stats available. We regard it as a 'fun stat' that exists mostly for bragging rights. Rating is intended to account for the relative strength of the opponents and for the streak in rated games only. Some non-Ticket games can be set unrated (denoted with a -R table option), while Ticket games are always rated. -- Ladder ranking is a more important statistic as 10 monthly Ladder winners receive prizes, so there's a real competition so higher Ladder ranking is far more meaningful stat than the ELO rating. - Finally, the most important and the most meaningful rating that can be relied upon to gauge the player's strength: the win/loss ratio in mini-tourneys.

Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) Apr 30 2021 8:49AM

While I can see ladder rankings are a more important stat, if you do not plat for tickets, you can only plat the same opponent once in 24 hours whereas the ticket players can play every game. This means that ticket players will always lead ladder rankings thus making ratings important to them. As my example above, if I play a rating player much lower than myself, even winning 2 out of 3 games reduces my rating because the loss is always much greater than the win in the rating. Is there no other option such as 5 points for a win 0 for loss, the player with the highest point would therefore be the "better" player.

RE: Webmaster
Posted by Marroons May 2 2021 1:14AM

gjamies wrote in another posting : "There is only one statistic that counts, whether you have won or lost, in my opinion, the rest is just smoke screen." I don't understand how this statement agrees with your suggestion of having a point system.

players who run
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Jun 17 2021 11:26AM

Player <edited out> -- I asked him from the outset if he wanted to play a 1st to win 2 series & he replied "sure". He won the first game then ran like a mouse from a cat, lol. How can you respect players like that who tarnish other people's credibility?

why edit name?
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Jul 2 2021 12:44AM

players who agree to one thing & then run are a blight on the site's credibility. Why not not name & shame them? MAYBE THEY WONT BE AS DISHONEST NEXT TIME.

One game
Posted by Winnerpeg Jul 4 2021 7:58AM

I have two kids under six. I do my best.

Posted by Winnerpeg Jul 4 2021 8:02AM

That’s sounded rude. Just the pt that if I can play more than one after I (rarely) win the first I will. But with little kids sometimes it’s impossible. Pt way thru the game I try to msg ppl if I have to leave.

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