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why are people different on line than face to face in person?

why are people different on line than face to face in person?
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Aug 9 2019 9:43PM

On line people seldomly say hi, whether it be in reply to their opponent or off their own bat. I don't really get that. If u were face to face, u would either say hi 1st, or reply to someone who did, that is common human courtesy. So why is it different on line? You don't need to chat with the person during the game, there are many reasons for u not doing that, but I think it's pretty rude not to acknowledge u are about to play someone on line, as it would be if u were face to face. Video once killed the radio star, now computers have killed common human courtesy.

Posted by GoDiva (moderator) Aug 9 2019 10:41PM

This is one thing I find really troubling too.In defence of some people, there are certain phones that can be used for play but are difficult to chat on while playing. However that is a small percentage and they could still say hi to the room.And it is not just when playing. There are times that I might have 3 or 4 people in the tourney room and not one has responded to my 'hello'. And many leave the room without a word, some do that even when they have won!! Here's hoping that some recognise themselves here and make an effort!

Posted by CrioStoir (VIP) Aug 26 2019 3:59PM

It's hard when a room full of tourney players does not respond at all. Sometimes just a simple acknowledgement that someone exists goes a long long way. I play on my phone often and try to go the extra effort to at the least say hi! Ty for posting ImDerc and GoDiva

Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) Sep 18 2019 8:37PM

It is the same reason that people feel that they can do or say or not say anything online because they feel like they are anonymous. I agree with you Derc. Nobody acts that way in person, only when they cannot be seen. Driving a car or playing online is the worst behavior you will ever run into. My suggestion is to try and be nice and polite to everyone regardless if you are online or in a car. This attitude that you can get away with being rude or disrespectful or even violent because nobody knows you is the reason we have many of the violence and situations we do today. I suggest being part of the solution, not the problem. Contribute a smile, a laugh or an acknowledgement like good game or good luck. If you cannot at least do that, then that is so very sad.

I'm Guilty
Posted by cribbage_jones Sep 26 2019 8:56PM

I get crazy when I lose. Very ornery. I am not like that in person. Later I feel bad that I acted that way.

Posted by GoDiva (moderator) Oct 30 2019 11:19AM

There is a fine line between being polite and rude sometimes. While I much prefer people to exchange a couple of friendly words with me, it is not okay to be (openly) antagonistic towards people who do not chat. In my opinion that is more rude than the silent person. Let's just keep it friendly please?

Posted by MAB (moderator) Oct 30 2019 12:02PM

I'm impressed with some of the comments above. Re-reading Jethro's remarks just now and could not agree more. You just might make someone's day by a small expression of kindness. Most of the players here are top notch. The combative ones don't stay long. You have to have an opponent to have a fight. LOL

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Oct 31 2019 11:52PM

Guess GoDiva's & MAB's remarks are a result of me telling a certain player be has the charisma of a the mute button on a TV remote after a tourney had just been cancelled due to lack of numbers & my stance of not playing WTA. For some unexplained reason after the TD had called time, he wanted to opt out of a non existent tourney. Prior to this I had politely mentioned to him he should at least say hi to opponents b4 games start, no difference. Said it again in a joking way, no difference. After trying to steer him in the right direction, he mocked me at the end of games he won, saying such things as "suffer" & "hehehe". I'm not offended by such childish comments in the least, find them amusing & just wish he would say hi b4 we start playing bcoz clearly he can type. But the mantra I live by is be rude to me once, i'll forgive u, be rude to me again, I'll point it out to you, be rude to me again, sry if i'm rude back & that offends you, but u deserve it. At least he says hi to TD's now unlike b4.

I am no angel, on line or in person
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Nov 1 2019 12:50AM

Don't pretend to be perfect, but generally if u are nice to me, I'm nice back. Everyone I meet starts with a blank sheet, whether I've heard good or bad things about u from others, doesnt enter my assessment of people. But... if i give several opportunities & explain myself to people & they only get ruder, have no qualms being rude back to them.

Let's have fun?
Posted by GoDiva (moderator) Nov 2 2019 7:32AM

Tourneys should be about a bit of fun and entertainment in a background of friendly competition. At least that is how I see them. Perhaps if there is a clash of personalities, silence IS the best policy. I do have to correct one statement though. The player in question has always said hello to me on entering the tourney room and thank you before he leaves.

just getting here
Posted by JNOBLE (VIP) Nov 8 2019 12:09PM

I completely agree cribbage is a dying art lot of us would talk for my dad's who are no longer with us I would like play just the same so treated as so yours truly J Noble

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