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Posted by Pearle Feb 1 2019 11:08AM

Hi and congratulations to all those who qualified to play in the January TOC. To be eligible you must have taken 1st place in a tournament in the month of January. The TOC will be held, as always, on the FIRST Saturday of each month. The next one is scheduled for Saturday, February 2 at 7 PM. The format is a DE for an entry fee of 10 tix. In addition to winning the 1st place prize, the Champion will also receive an additional 20 tix, compliments of the Webs. Below are the eligible players for the TOC tomorrow. Remember, if you have changed your name since winning in January, you must change your name back to match the list of TOC winners PRIOR to the tournament. Thanks and gl to all you champions!! 22COOKIE 2DALOO 40ozfumble ACC_MONICA ALASKAROBIN BADCZECH BAUONISSR BBYRAM BLOOMERD BOARDSAILOR BOBBEAN BOREDCANUK BOWENMAINE BREW33 CAM529 CANTUVIO CEMENT CHEF_EDDY CJHERE02 COYOTE CRAIGAHP CRAZYCANUCK CRIBMONK CRIBSTERCO CRIOSTOIR CRUCIALFLUID DABOWLER DAVE52829 DHTVL DUDDLE ELIOT74 FLUFFINATOR FLYER_1996 FOSTERMAC GILLY24 GOOD_PLAYER GREYJ GRIFF627 GRUMPYGOLDCOUNTRY HARRY2015 HASHMAN54 HIPPO1010 INFOPAT JBUCH JESSO JETHROTULLL JIMCARR JOEJEROLICUM JONESY06 JUDY3241 KOZZJR KYLER_2005 LADY_AWE LAURIEINVA LLEAP3 LORDTOM LUMBER1 MAKAVELI_666 MARYG_JNU ME1112 MONSIEBLUE MONTY21863 NIGELMAN ODIN2 OLDROCKDADIO OWLS1 PHILIP3289 PINC_ENERGY RPC612 SCOTT2B SEA_GODDESS SHRIMPER20 STAGEINHARMONY SUDSIE9000 T _AND_M TAWL_KEWL_1 TEOG THEKIMMEL TINSMITH TOMMW68 TWEGG VA_MASTER VA00409l WHILEY_CAT WILDEROSE WOLVERINE_2 YANNICK30 YESMARRAMSEY1

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