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Bad Sportsmanship
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Bad Sportsmanship
Posted by Trinity_ (VIP) 4 Mar 2006 9:42pm

Leo001 from United Kingdom plays 120 min table and won't make a move. It's difficult to sit it out at 2am in the morning so I lost my points. (it's tough I know) but you should all be aware of this.

PS Im back after 2-years absence
Trinity_ )

Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 5 Mar 2006 11:19am

Fortunately, I've never had that happen to me on this site. I guess it's one of the risks of joining a 120 table. Perhaps there could be (if there isn't already) a system to cover the situation where a player does not make his/her very first move in say 10 minutes.

Welcome back, have fun!

Thanks for your support
Posted by Trinity_ (VIP) 5 Mar 2006 1:48pm

It's a very good idea the 'safety valve' However it's so infrequent (I never knew it to happen to me before)that I wanted to tell everybody. After I quit the table, the same sequence of events occured to another player in the room. The opponent made 2/3 moves and then stopped. In future I will be wary of 120 min tables!! It's good to be back.

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