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server move speed
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server move speed
Posted by Seth_R 28 Feb 2006 1:30pm

During games move response time for moves I'm entering gets very slow. A huge disadvantage in timed games. My tech problem or yours? What can be done? Thanks.

speed, etc.
Posted by webmaster 2 Mar 2006 9:10pm

With very rare exceptions, there are no network issues in the direct vicinity of GameColony servers.

Three things may make the game or display to slow down:

(1) display issues

(2) connection lag or packet loss

(3) brand/version of Java you are using


(1) select Control Panel / Display / Settings. If Color is set to True Color (or 32-bit color), please change it to High Color (or 16-bit color). Your display will be much faster while there'd be no visual difference in picture clarity. This especially makes a difference for many Windows XP -- as video drivers can be noticeably slower with True Color setting on.

(2) player connectivity problems such as sporadic connection fluctuations, loss of packets, etc. may cause slowdowns and disconnections. Simple connectivity can be tested on site HERE.
The best connectivity diagnostics from your side (showing both lost packets & lag) can be achieved with a shareware product VisualRoute available from tracing to (You'd need to select an option to show packet loss percentages)

Your accessible network route is not governed by your ISP alone but also by the set of the 1st level intermediate networks accessible to your ISP, followed by the set of 2nd level intermediate networks accessible to the first set, etc.
At any time, if there's any trouble with any of these intermedate networks, some of the sites can be accessible to you while others might exhibit certain problems.

(3) You may have an outdated version of [generally slower] Sun Java (versus Microsoft Java)in your Control Panel. If you have Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can have a faster Microsoft Java.

Sun Java is updated very frequently (sometimes weekly), but still has multiple 'issues' and is still generally slower & less stable than Microsoft Java.

(If you are technically inclined: the thread management functionality in Sun Java is less robust than in Microsoft Java which makes Sun Java a far less desirable choice for games for now)

Although installation of new versions of Sun Java is easiest
( ), it is a bit trickier to install a better/faster Microsoft Java for XP. The full procedure of installing Microsoft Java (with 2 reboots) is described here:

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