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What's Your Best Win?
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What's Your Best Win?
Posted by
20 Feb 2006 8:20am
This is my best win to date. Especially, given the comments by Johnny25 et al. I intend to maintain my lifetime winning record against mr_aleman at 3 minutes.
Now if only I can claim the scalps of one of the GM's.
3 Minutes 21/02/06 Capa5 vs mr_aleman
1. d4 g6 2. Nf3 Bg7 3. Bf4 d6 4. e3 Nd7 5. Be2 Ngf6 6. O-O O-O 7. c4 Re8 8. Nc3 e5 9. dxe5 dxe5 10. Bg3 c6 11. h3 Nh5 12. Bh2 Qc7 13. Rc1 Qa5 14. Qb3 Nc5 15. Qc2 Bf5 16. e4 Bd7 17. a3 Ne6 18. Rcd1 Rad8 19. b4 Qxa3 20. Bxe5 Bxe5 21. Nxe5 Nd4 22. Rxd4 Rxe5 23. Rfd1 Re7 24. Bxh5 gxh5 25. b5 Qc5 26. Ne2 cxb5 27. Ng3 bxc4 28. Nf5 Ree8 29. Rxd7 Rxd7 30. Rxd7 b5 31. Qd2 f6 32. Qh6 1-0
Well played...
Posted by
20 Feb 2006 10:37pm
...but there were a few big blunders on black...maybe not the most skillful win but definatley a proud one i can undstand that. Aleman blunders in alot of games though.
Oh my god
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Feb 2006 9:10am
I am famous! Yes i played a weak game and over 3 minutes many players can beat me
That is because...
Posted by
24 Feb 2006 12:59am are a very fast player....not a very strong player. Dont get me wrong you are great, speed is 75% of a bullet or blitz game...but you get out played often in 1-3 min. games.
Beat Ladder # 2
Posted by
1 Jun 2006 11:10am
2 Minutes 02/06/06 Capa5 vs Zugicz
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Bf4 c6 4. h3 Bf5 5. e3 e6 6. Bd3 Ne4 7. O-O Bd6 8. Bxd6 Qxd6 9. c3 Nd7 10. Bxe4 Bxe4 11. Nfd2 Bg6 12. Nf3 O-O-O 13. Nbd2 f6 14. c4 e5 15. cxd5 Qxd5 16. dxe5 Nxe5 17. Nxe5 Qxe5 18. Qc1 Rd7 19. Nf3 Qe6 20. Rd1 Rhd8 21. Rxd7 Qxd7 22. Qc3 Be4 23. Nd4 Qd5 24. f3 Bg6 25. Qa3 Kb8 26. Rc1 Qe5 27. Rc3 h5 28. Rc5 Qe7 29. Qc3 Bf7 30. Rxc6 Rxd4 31. Rc8#
How nice
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Jun 2006 5:52pm
Anyone would think you was showing off Capa! Very nice win of course. I suggest we replay and see if you win again
Thank you for asking...
Posted by
(VIP) 2 Jun 2006 6:52am
Without revealing too much about my identity, my best win was in 1998...
...against Garry with a Queens Gambit Declined using a Main Line exchange variation.

Posted by
(VIP) 2 Jun 2006 3:58pm
by any chance is ur first name alexander?
Posted by
3 Jun 2006 8:31am
And have you by any chance written a very good book on pawn structures?
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