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How is Ladder Rank calculated?
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How is Ladder Rank calculated?
Posted by FritzBlitz 31 Dec 2005 8:11am

How is Ladder Rank calculated?
What are the mathematics involved in the process?

To date, I've won 107 straight Ladder games, yet my Rank has fallen from 14 to 18!!!

Can someone at Gamecolony HQ please give an explanation?

Ladder rank
Posted by MAB 31 Dec 2005 8:36am

Hi there..Please be sure to read the ladder rules that are available on the page for each ladder. Rank depends on the rank of those players you have beaten.

If at the time of your ladder game your rank on the ladder is 100 and your opponent's rank is 50 and you win the game, within 2 minutes your rank will be 75. You move up half the distance.

You will also climb one rung everytime you win a tournament.

I hope this helps all who are curious about how to climb the ladder. Enjoy your games.

Yeah, i see how it works but..
Posted by MrAleman (VIP) 31 Dec 2005 9:21am

Like FritzBlitz says he wins all those games, surely this should increase his rank. And the thing is as well, a lot of the people near the top of the ladder dont even come online.

I think there should be a bonus for winning a certain amount of ladder games. And places deducted for absence from ladder games

Anyway thankk (take my advice moderators)

That was quick!
Posted by FritzBlitz 31 Dec 2005 10:28am

Thanks MAB for your fast response.

It is rare that I see most of the top 10 Ladder rank players on the site at the time I am here. So it is very unlikely that I could climb the Ladder any higher.

Would you not consider factoring in 'winning streaks' or 'volume of ladder wins' to the ranking calaculations?

The current system only works if the higher players are online simultaneously, and, if they're willing to play each other!

This human factor should be removed from the calculation and an automated control put in place.

Thanks for listening )

ladder movements
Posted by webmaster 31 Dec 2005 11:25am

Players who reach Top Ten have to do additional things ti stay in Top Ten. They have to play a rank-threatening game (against a player ranked one rung below them)once ever 6 days. If they do not, their rank drops by two rungs.
Also feel free to use the formal challenge tool. Just click the challenge link next to player's name in the ladder listings. If a player does not fullfill his challenge, their rank drops two rungs.

Thanks webmaster for extra info
Posted by FritzBlitz 31 Dec 2005 12:23pm

Webmaster, you said: 'They have to play a rank-threatening game (against a player ranked one rung below them)once ever[sic] 6 days. If they do not, their rank drops by two rungs.'

Does this mean that anyone MORE THAN one rank beneath them cannot challenge?

My rank is now 19, so does this mean I cannot challenge anyone in the top ten, seeing I am more than one rank beneath them?

You also said: 'Also feel free to use the formal challenge tool. Just click the challenge link next to player's name in the ladder listings. If a player does not fullfill his challenge, their rank drops two rungs.'

Does this not contradict the first statement about being 'ranked one rung below them' ?

Please clarify, thank you.

Posted by webmaster 31 Dec 2005 5:20pm

FYI: the best place for questions of this kind is via Contact Us button...

Formal challenges are for anybody in Top Twenty.

Rank-threats are important if you do not want to be bumped down two rungs every 6 days.

Thanks webmaster for the clarification
Posted by FritzBlitz 31 Dec 2005 7:59pm

Thanks for clarifying the top 20 issue - that makes sense to me now

Now I am confused
Posted by FritzBlitz 1 Jan 2006 5:19pm

Congratulations Mr Aleman on become #1 Ladder Rank - you deserve it for the huge amount of games I've seen you play, and win.

Now that I've been promoted to #7 from #17 overnight I am totally confused :-#

Can someone explain this to me please?

The answer is in Ladder Rules ...
Posted by webmaster 1 Jan 2006 6:00pm

The answer to FritzBlitz's confusion regarding a 10-rank rise in Ladder ranks is, again, in Ladder Rules ( )

Quoting from the above:
'As soon as prizes are disbursed, each of Top Ten players will be dropped 20 ladder spots. This assures the dynamic nature of the Ladder.'

As a result of the drop of the first ten players, those who were on the botton take their place & rise in ranks.

To assure greater speed and accuracy in resolving your issues & questions, please address them via Contact Us rather than via Forum.

Its great to be number 1!
Posted by MrAleman (VIP) 1 Jan 2006 7:14pm

Though i feel you may be number 1 by the end of the month, 'FritzBlitz' great playing on gamescolony!

The ladder seems to change at the start of every month. I've won it twice before, but now being a VIP winning tickets does have extra value

Mr A is a VIP!?
Posted by FritzBlitz 2 Jan 2006 3:04pm

I'll probably get told off for asking this 'question' in the Forum (frankly I cant tell the difference between asking it here or using the Contact Us method), but anyhow:

How did you become a VIP Mr Aleman?
What is the process?

Posted by MrAleman (VIP) 2 Jan 2006 4:51pm

I simply clicked on the 'Buy $Tickets' Icon, then went from there. Need to a credit card and everything then you can get tickets and become a VIP

I think....
Posted by sk 2 Jan 2006 10:58pm can also become VIP by being in the top 3 or 5 in ladder for a certain amount of time. I think you may only get a few tickets but ... you become a VIP.

Posted by Polonca (VIP) 13 Jan 2006 6:59pm

u can be a top ten player at the end of the month and u mustn't have any bonus tickets. Then u receive real tickets and become a VIP player.

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