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Christmas wish list
Posted by MightBeTime_xyi (VIP) 5 Dec 2005 12:20am

Hi Casey. Doms tourneys went well when set regualarly in advance. Only a few high rollers and many new players. I don't know the answer but, There are a few of us that will enter all 3 or 4 tix tourneys in almost any game. The succesfull dominoes tournyes in the past were either 7 or 8 pm tuesdays and thursday. The tuesdays were 125 pts D/E for 4 tix and thursdays 150 pts S/E and u can use 9 bones or 7. We need to get the new players out as well and for small tix it might work. I will lokk for some of them when i can make it but please post in advance if u can to allow for planning. don't know if holidays will affect this at all so good luck.

thank you
Posted by Midna (VIP) 5 Dec 2005 11:38pm

Thank you for your suggestion Diamonds I'm on the west coast, so 7-8pm is 4-5pm my time and I'm still at work I will put the word out to see if any other TD's are available to host during that time for you

Pretty much all of my tourney's are 5 tickets and below. My tourney last night for 10 tickets (which was a success yeah!!) was the first 10 ticket tourney I have put up. I do try to keep it low because as a player myself, I know how sacred those precious tickets are

I will be posting a double elimination soon. As soon as I know my schedule coming up I typically schedule my tourney's a week at a time, just to play it safe and make sure nothing in my 'normal' life overlaps my GC life aka home away from home at home lol

Keep your eyes peeled to the tourney schedule I hope to pull in many new players as well as the current tourney players All are welcome!! Happy gaming!!

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