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Rudeness and Arrogance
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Rudeness and Arrogance
Posted by BathWater 31 Oct 2005 3:53pm

What is the reason players refuse to even say hi at the start of the game? I can understand that when playing, a running conversation is not desirable.
Or when you compliment a player on an excelent move, silence.
Or better yet, win or lose... and the player leaves the table in silence.

As a rule the better the player the less manners they have.
Did some grand master teach that poor sportsmanship is a desirable trait in chess??

And unawareness
Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 1 Nov 2005 1:39pm

Hi BathWater,

I feel some people may simply miss that a comment has been made. Lots of other factors can also come into play, e.g. wariness of the internet, shyness, unease at the thought of possibly having to use a foreign language, etc. Personally, I'm mortified when I miss that someone has 'said' something. However, these things happen.

Not that I would know anything about it, but perhaps the better the player, the more focused they are on the game. I believe there was a school of thought that regarded being polite to an opponent as a weakness.

I think it’s nice to say “thank you” at the end of a game/session, but perhaps I’m a little old fashioned.

Best regards,

I agree
Posted by ben_williams 2 Nov 2005 7:07am

I have been playing on this site for a week and so far only one person has said 'good game'. I used to play at a local chass club and before the games all our team would shake hands with their team and the same after they had finished. We even used to go through the games afterwards and compliment the good moves. Thats the way it should be!

Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 2 Nov 2005 11:56am

Hi Ben,

That's also what happened in all 'serious' games over here (UK). Perhaps the handshaking before a game is outmoded now (I don't know - I gave up playing a very long time ago). What I miss most about playing is the after-game analysis. Outside that, we had a great set of people at the club - lots of fun and laughs.

Best regards,

I agree
Posted by asprivl 4 Nov 2005 11:17am

I agree completely with the above players.
I noticed that (that many people refuse to say hello) long time ago. But I thought it was running something bad with my browser because I was playing from te work. Now I see it happens to several people.

Greetings to everybody anyhow.
Pegasus column always fit and ...actual. Congratulations!!


maybe not rude.
Posted by syk0 5 Nov 2005 4:03pm

A friend of mine on this site has selected to disable chat conversations (probably due to some rude people's comments). However he is not rude himself, but I couldn't communicate to him whe I saw him online.
Maybe some of these people have got a bit fed up with the few who abuse the chat system and done the same and so cannot chat at the end of a match (even if they would like to).

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