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get well soon
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get well soon
Posted by bigboybrit (VIP) 23 Sep 2005 2:33pm

i have a friend who is a td most of you know him its (CPEARCY)just saying get well soon he has broken his neck and is in a vice coller
his head is held with 4 bolts but he can still talk and sit so he will be hosting GET BETTER SOON BUDDY

Posted by Pearle (VIP) 23 Sep 2005 3:08pm

I hope you are feeling better, I can sympathize with you -- I have neck problems (fortunately not a broken neck) so I can imagine the pain and how uncomfortable it must be. I wish you a speedy and successful recovery and will look for you back at GC soon.
Best wishes,

Oooohhh NOOO!!!!
Posted by KymB (VIP) 23 Sep 2005 3:49pm

My thoughts and prayers are with you Carl. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Your late nite friend,

advice for cp
Posted by GRAMP_zv (VIP) 25 Sep 2005 9:54pm

howdy pal,,,you can still beat my butt on gc,,,,,,,just don't make any sudden moves,,,lol,,,take care ,,,,,,,,grampz.

Hey, BigBrit
Posted by (VIP) 26 Sep 2005 12:23am

There is one thing about seeing with eyes in the back of your head.....But, did you have to try to take literally? Now look what you did.
If you wanted some new jewelry, all you had to do was I'm sure there are oodles and oodles of ladies (and some men) who would have loaned you jewelry.

Me...I would have loaned you my tiara......

awwwwwwww ss sweetie!
Posted by utahma (VIP) 26 Sep 2005 8:24am

That must have been one cut-throat game of cribbage, to cause an injury like that......haha. I'm here for you hon, praying and hoping you get better soon.....hubby sends his best too.......and of course lil Romey sends get well slobbers - very medicinal, I hear. Love ya hon, get well soooooooon!

thank you all
Posted by cpearcy (VIP) 27 Sep 2005 3:31am

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