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GC Merchandise
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GC Merchandise
Posted by RRD (VIP) 14 Aug 2005 4:27pm

I was wondering if GC would make a GC air raft for pools or for swimming. That way we can represent GC using a lap top on the water, or if we decide to float accross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean to visit other GC members. I think it would be a great idea to have a GC float raft

Posted by (VIP) 16 Aug 2005 12:16am

wait until g/c get's a tracking device so we can find you Gilligan. And do you need the g/c beach towel and g/c sunscreen.

Good Idea, Texasrose
Posted by 1okaylady (VIP) 17 Aug 2005 1:43pm

I want a beach towel.....

I was wondering :/
Posted by RRD (VIP) 17 Aug 2005 11:27pm

I have a cat, but right now I do not have a dog. I was wondering if the GC dog T-Shirt would fit a cat. He is probably about 20 pounds, he has a slight weight problem. I think the GC dog T-Shirt is a great idea

Posted by (VIP) 24 Aug 2005 6:26pm

Maybe a GC hot air balloon, so when people looked up they would see it. We could float around the world. Bring some GC crackers and cheese to sustain us.

Posted by (VIP) 12 Sep 2005 2:41pm

The skipper called looking for you, he misses his little buddy. But good news,the professor and mary-ann were rescued because of their orange G/C shirts.

ROFL...neat ideas
Posted by gcuser1 14 Sep 2005 11:45am

Keep them coming

Posted by 1okaylady (VIP) 15 Sep 2005 12:49am

Whether we float on water or in the air, whether we're on the GC yacht, or with Gilligan,.....we need a GC picnic basket.
And if anyone gets to the survivor island, this GC picnic basket would come in handy too.

And if we are in the air on the hot air balloon....we could use the picnic basket to stowaway the cat.....and when we are finished using the picnic basket, it could double
as a litter box.

We also need a waterproof radio, so just in case, that GC starts bingo, we could hear Webmaster calling out the numbers...., but of course we need to put the cat back in the picnic basket, as Im sure he will be scared when we yell, from way up there, B I N G O...

Posted by (VIP) 15 Sep 2005 8:11am

don't forget GC firecrackers, we could shoot them off every holiday and they would spell out Game Colony. I know what I want, I want a GC car to race at Daytona. And a GC tour bus, we could travel from town to town.

For Wealthy GC Members
Posted by RRD (VIP) 15 Sep 2005 3:32pm

For the more wealthy GC members perhaps a GC ticket holder might be in order for when they cash in their winnings. This holder could have a lock on it, in case anyone tried to show their friendship by taking tickets away from a GC member for safe keeping. The GC ticket holder could be a status symbol that anyone can get rich with tickets if they work hard. If you work so hard you will need the GC ticket holder to hold all of your GC winnings.

Posted by (VIP) 20 Sep 2005 8:47am

How about a GC hang-glider, then people in airplanes could see us as we float in the air. Or GC bunjee cords and shoes, so when we stopped bouncing people could read them. We could get GC skies so when we came to the end of our run, people could read them, but I can't ski.

Dear RDD
Posted by (VIP) 29 Sep 2005 12:49pm

I have a GC tix holder.....Works well...and holds a lot of tix too....u should think about getting one or do u have any tix to go in it?

To LadyDi
Posted by RRD (VIP) 30 Sep 2005 12:35am

I don't have a ticket holder right now, I seem to be rather short on tickets. I am one of the poorer members on GC Maybe eventually I can get the GC ticket holder, that would be very nice

New Table Settings
Posted by (VIP) 24 Oct 2005 1:23am

When the party starts.......would be nice to have GC plates and napkings....engraved silverware as well as etched glassware...and table centerpieces that we could take home after the party.........we could celebrate our Atlantic adventure.......perhaps or any reason for a party........

Bottoms Up......

GC Stuff.....
Posted by yasky 16 Feb 2006 7:35pm

How 'bout some GC shoes? maybe some GC Video Games, and controllers? Or a GC greatest hits music CD? Or why not go bigger...maybe GC Airplanes, Spaceshipes, and even satelites and fly to the moon and make a colony where all you do is play games!!!Err, i guess you could stick to T-shirts and teddy bears.

Posted by Johnny25 17 Feb 2006 4:46am

How about a GC tournament for the nonVIP candidates? lol

They dont even...
Posted by yasky 18 Feb 2006 7:50pm chess tourneys for the VIP players.....

Posted by 20 Feb 2006 5:26pm

The reason being for no chess tourneys is no one showed up, when I was a TD I tried to host them, nobody cared.

I think this topic...
Posted by _DurbanPoison_ 21 Feb 2006 2:09am

...came up a few weeks ago and someone (a TD) said get 4 people willing to play and there was an instant response of 4 players willing to play...and once you start having tourneys on a steady basis you will get more and more players and also, the last time you had a chess tourney there were probably less than 15 vip chess there are many more. I am not even a vip player...and I would like to become one so I could play!

Posted by IM_Stumped 21 Feb 2006 11:38pm

nice ending.

GC oil
Posted by RRD (VIP) 22 Sep 2006 7:58pm

Maybe GC could come up with GC gas. Gas is very expensive this days and it is terribly sad news. I think this would be a great investment for gsa. Then we could all have cheaper gas and buy more tickets

gc merchandice
Posted by texasroseIII (VIP) 24 Sep 2006 12:11pm

maybe they could make g/c hot dogs to fight hunger also......nice to see you are back RRD. Always give me a laugh. Are you still working at 7-11?

gc the best
Posted by jake_the_snake_doc 15 Dec 2006 8:29pm

meybe i nice radio station for gc

gc base
Posted by RRD (VIP) 16 Mar 2007 6:59pm

What about a gc mansion with armed guards 24/7. That would be nice, a place we can all go, a Mecca that every GC gamer must go to once in their lifetime.

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