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Disconnecting when about to lose
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Disconnecting when about to lose
Posted by loat 19 Jul 2005 2:27pm

Have just been playing against a new player [edited] who disconnected with just one second left on the clock, and in material down by a queen, rook and pawn to a knight. Seems rather coincidental.

I fully support allowing reconnects (I occasionally lose my connection, too). But is there anything that can be done to prevent people abusing the system?

Perhaps another opinion
Posted by RRD (VIP) 21 Jul 2005 12:03am

Perhaps this player had a serious event occur at their home and they needed to leave immediatly. I sincerly doubt that any member of the GC community would deliberatly disconnect when they are losing. Besides maybe he was setting you up in the game, losing material to you thus leading you into a false sense of security, then he would counter attack at the right moment! Or maybe he wanted you to win as an act of friendship Please give players the benifit of the doubt. After all, is not friendship the preffered choice?

Posted by (VIP) 11 Aug 2005 12:03am

That response by RRD is a joke. Although I only play gin, there are some players who do the same in that room too. It's called poor sportsmanship and unfortunately there are many players who fit that monicker.

Posted by b1_returns 13 Aug 2005 3:12pm

lol there sad players

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