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I dont think its inpolite...
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I dont think its inpolite...
Posted by _Nobody_ 28 Apr 2005 8:31pm

...The only time i say GG is when i win a good game. If im playing a 1600-1700 player (im approx. 2300) and i only win on time or in the endgame i say it as a complement to them. I dont say it to be rude, and i refuse to say it when i lose... because its not good to lose.

Posted by BathWater 14 Aug 2005 5:00pm

U are a pompus A--.
All u r doing here is telling people how good u r.

Many times i start a game and say Hi with the opponet ignoring me. I'm not asking for a running conversation.

Dear Nobody,
Posted by medpro (VIP) 16 Aug 2005 5:18am

I think you need to grow up and accept the fact of good sportsmanship. This is a game where there will be a winner and loser. Yes, it's true that no one likes to lose, but the fact is, no matter what your rating is, you will lose too. So accept that fact, and say gl and gg no matter who wins.

So if you don't like that answer, please go to another site to play....We are a family here, and everyone deserves respect. So if you would like the same respect, be a grown-up and show it first.


Telling like it is
Posted by BathWater 17 Sep 2005 2:32pm

Scrubs, I like your style.
Nobody, take a page from Scrubs book, you never know... people might even like you.

Posted by tugger 17 Sep 2005 11:06pm

so it's considered rude to not say well done to someone when they beat you. thinking to oneself 'fair play to him' isn't good enough for some people, they need it spelled out to them. what i consider rude is when someone contacts you after beating you and hounds you for not saying well done.

for the record, he beat me well. there you go, you can smirk to yourself now.

as for mr nobody....
Posted by tugger 17 Sep 2005 11:48pm

you're worse than bathwater, only saying gg when you win, and bragging about your score. at least bathwater is upholding sportmanship, even if he is being a moaning little sod. you're simply an arrogant bad loser.

and me?

i'm just here to play chess. and i don't mind losing, it's what makes you a better player. at least i finish the game, i'm not one of these sneaky sods who lets the timer tick in the hope the other player gets bored and aborts! sometimes i just can't be bothered with that chat bar in the corner, i'm too busy rolling a ciggie, or changing the cd. i don't think that makes me rude. though if i'm being honest,

take backs in 1 min ladder games is that fair?
Posted by dumlupinar 24 Sep 2005 5:37pm

i know many players cheating during the fast games

but moderators wont let me write their names here

Nobody where are you
Posted by BathWater 14 Oct 2005 2:26pm

Nobody, when do you play? I have looked for you on a regular, with no luck.
Are you playing under a different name?

hurry up
Posted by tugger 19 Oct 2005 7:46pm

someone told me to hurry up earlier, the cheeky little so and so. i took great satisfaction in beating him very quickly.

Posted by BathWater 30 Oct 2005 3:51pm

Yes tugger, rudness and arrogance seems to be traits that some chess players feel are part of the game. What i find interesting is the higher the players rating the more pronunced these behaviour traits become.
An example, the game starts and you say hi to your opponent and the players with higher ratings ignore while the regular players say hi.

Posted by firefoXx (VIP) 6 Nov 2005 7:12pm

Hey people,

This is a rather random thought, but it might however hold some truth.
A lot of you seem to be stereotyping players with higher ratings, saying 'they're rude'. This may be true for some players, but I think most of your comments are totally unjustified.

To be honest, I am pretty hopeless at chess nowadays and I therefore don't play often. I am however better at other games. So, to follow the generalisation some people in this forum have made, I need to be polite to people in the chess hall (if I am a 'regular player') and rude to people in other games halls if my rating is better than theirs!!!

Perhaps players with good ratings are tired of being branded rude and arrogant. If you're wrongly criticised, why bother? It seems to me that the efforts of some cannot outweigh the prejudice of others!

Rob (firefoXx).

I dont know why everyone thinks im so rude....
Posted by F_Zeaky 19 Dec 2005 11:27pm

My point is this...If i beat some one well below my rating in say 20 moves or that really a good game? Do i need to sympathize with my victim because he is not on my level? If you are beat that bad do you want some one to say good game to if that is the best you can do? If i go to a restaraunt and i dont like the food im not gonna say 'Hey the food was great!!, Ill be back tomorrow!!!' If the Minnesota Vikings lose a game 63-0 do you think they want people telling them how great of a game they played??? People come to this site to play games...not practice there manners...not be a family with people they never met or seen...and not whine about poor sportsmanship.

And speaking of poor sportsmanship...Bathwater and Scrubs...when was it good sportsmanship to call someone names or criticize them for putting there opinion in a FORUM!!! I do not think i am the best or even great...i am better than average...the only reason us 'Higher Rated' players seem rude for not being all polite and friendly is because we obviously take this game a little more serious than you 1200-1600 players (that is not meant as an insult) We do not come here to chat up a storm with our opponents...we come here to play chess. If you think someone is rude or selfish because they dont say hi to you then you are the rude and selfish one... and maybe YOU should find a different site to play on....


F_Zeaky aka _Nobody_

Yes, but
Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 20 Dec 2005 1:13pm

While there is undoubtedly much in what you write, it is also probably true that a smile and a friendly word costs little and may do a lot of good. Chess is a game. Look out of the window and see life. We are all part of that family. Some of us are talkers, some of us are not. Some of us take growing pumpkins seriously, some do not. At least give them an inward smile. They might appreciate it if they knew.


Ok, In life....
Posted by CrazyInsane 20 Dec 2005 4:33pm

...if you are walking down a street do you stop and say 'Hi, how's it goin?' to every single person you see? I highly doubt it. Why not? 'A smile and a friendly word costs little and may do alot of good.' But you probably dont find it necessary to complement and greet every single person you see, and you probably do not think it is rude or inpolite one bit. I am the type of person that would hold a door open for someone, give some change to a bum, give directions to someone if they asked...just 2 weeks ago i gave any old lady and her grandaughter a jump start on her car battery in a highly populated mall parking lot during the holidays...there was probably 50 people that walked by while i was doing this and only 1 person asked if i needed any help...i thought it was nice of him but i did not think it was rude of everyone else for not asking. I agree 100% that saying hi, gg, or chatting for a while is a nice thing to do morally and socially, but there is nothing wrong with not saying hi or gg. Anyone get my point yet??

Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 20 Dec 2005 5:56pm

Getting your point was not at all difficult, but perhaps you missed mine. A smile and a friendly word can also be dangerous. However, if we have the smile and friendly word inside us, they can provide a good starting point for further good relations - should we choose to make them. As long as there is tolerance and respect, we can probably ask no more of each other. Reductio ad absurdum is a double-edged sword that is tricky to wield here. It may only be the 'happily mad' who greet everyone, yet does that negate the statement that a smile and a friendly word costs little and may do a lot of good? All I was seeking to promote was perspective, mutual understanding and consideration. I agree 100% with the ideas behind what you say, but do not see how the arguments can be taken to negate the ideas in my own blatherings.


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