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Banning people
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Banning people
Posted by
22 Feb 2005 5:54pm
I have been playing on G.C for some time now and still have an issue with the banning process. I tend to play alot of ladder games and therefore do not always wish to play people more than once or unranked. But when i ban someone from my table, time and time again they will join the table to watch and rejoin my table. I am aware that the only way to avoid this problem is to set up an invitation only table but do not think i should have to. Is it possible for the banning option to keep players from rejoining a table?Does anyone have an views on this?
I have the same problem
Posted by
23 Feb 2005 12:49am
Webmaster said that when Canasta came out that there would be a ban command to keep them out of your table permanently but I guess they haven't gotten around to coding it in yet.
I'm thinking that if they haven't done it by now, they probably won't at all.
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According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.