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Team Games?
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Team Games?
Posted by
21 Feb 2005 10:49pm
That sounds interesting. Playing a team game here. The only problem would be that one person has control of the pieces and if that one person doesn't respect his teammate's idea, then it would not be a team game anymore.
But either way, I think this would be interesting, we would just have to get a partner to play with. What do you think? Questions? Comments? Stories?
its an idea!
Posted by
23 Feb 2005 6:09pm
i think it is a good idea. The only problem is one person not doing what the other wants. Maybe if you have a move each?
Not being able to move
Posted by
25 Feb 2005 10:20pm
See, I think the only problem would be that the one person would have the ability to move while the other wouldn't. Therefore, if one of them disregards the other's decision, the one could move however they please while the other would get absolutely no say in how the game would run. I suppose it would really work if you were with a trustworty person.
There's also the problem of how points would be distributed. It would be really interesting trying it out, but if you want to get serious about it, then gamecolony itself would have to look into this more (and I really hope they do!!).
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