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Perhaps another idea of though
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Perhaps another idea of though
Posted by RRD (VIP) 13 Feb 2005 2:14pm

Perhaps these players who are being rude have a hidden agenda. Maybe it is their way of trying to be friends but they don't know how to express themselves. Perhaps being extra nice to them might help.

the greatest joke
Posted by corneliu 30 May 2005 5:02am


Posted by (VIP) 5 Jun 2005 10:00am

RDD your comments always make me laugh, are really that naive? Rude players will always be that. Nice players will be nice. You know me as a former TD.

Certainly perhaps
Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 5 Jun 2005 2:16pm

It could well be that what is rightly or wrongly judged by one person as rude or offensive is judged as friendly and humorous by another. It has certainly happened to me that people have used chat and language that 'on the face of it' was highly questionable. However, being occasionally lucky enough to find the right response, the ensuing exchanges have sometimes been entirely 'proper' and fun. I guess it is all a case of, as I think you Americans have it: 'How the pancake crumbles when the mud hits the propeller!'

Posted by PEGASUS 20 Jun 2005 6:21pm

KAUPANGER your sense of humor (referring to your last sentence) always gives me a much needed laugh.

By the way - I agree with the rest of your response!

Is not friendship the preferred choice?
Posted by RRD (VIP) 25 Jun 2005 5:06pm

Is it not best to be friends? Some players are just trying to reach out and be friends. Perhaps they are disenfranchised and misunderstood

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