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Need a new open
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Need a new open
Posted by wwallygatorr 23 Jan 2005 7:53am

I'm desparate. My play is so bad lately I need to change my open. Suggest a good 6 move start that developes my pieces. I'll worry about the end game. My current 4 move checkmate start isn't working because after its blocked, the good players chase my queen all over the place. HELP, HELP, or as the say in Texas: Hep, Hep! And dont tell me to read some book lol.

Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 23 Jan 2005 2:22pm

Hi wwallygator,

I can really sympathise with 'getting worse'. I don't play much nowadays and I'm usually dog tired by the time I get to GC. If you see me around and would like to chew over some possibilities, just send a message. I'm no great shakes at the openings, but I can give general pointers, etc.

Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 23 Jan 2005 2:22pm

Hi wwallygator,

I can really sympathise with 'getting worse'. I don't play much nowadays and I'm usually dog tired by the time I get to GC. If you see me around and would like to chew over some possibilities, just send a message. I'm no great shakes at the openings, but I can give general pointers, etc.

Posted by waspwort 24 Jan 2005 7:35am

Why not play the four knights (e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6) or the Ruy Lopez (e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5).
Against a Sicilian as white you can play (e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3... and you will see white has active knights and free lines for his bishops)

It's hard to know Wwallygator, do you prefer queen or kings pawn games or what? Cause there are just so many openings. Against even slightly experienced players, bringing out yer queen early is asking for trouble. Develop the minor pieces and some pawns first, and castle early while learning how to open.

If you wanna a game sometime gimme a shout

Try this...
Posted by Matrix_Man_Ne0 25 Jan 2005 8:14pm

King's Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. f4)

Gambits are always good in development, but it's a little tough... you need to have accurate play.

Try this...
Posted by Matrix_Man_Ne0 25 Jan 2005 8:14pm

King's Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. f4)

Gambits are always good in development, but it's a little tough... you need to have accurate play.

using Waspwort's open
Posted by wwallygatorr 31 Jan 2005 7:08pm

I used 'Waspworts' open of Pawn to E4, Knight to F3, and Bishop to B5 to beat some quality players. Thanks for the input, it helped. Lot of trading pieces, but I was left with my pieces well developed.

Better Chess
Posted by smokeumchess (VIP) 24 Jun 2005 10:13am

Study openings.. Bringing queen out for that 4 move checkmate only works with newbs dude. Also premature. No need to bring it out yet. REMEMBER THE KEYS TO SUCCESS IN CHESS.

1. Bring knights out before bishops, unless otherwise needed
2. Castle A.S.A.P. - Unless you have a good plan.
3. Attack when both of your rooks are lined up.<brWork on openings first. Then move to end game.

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