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Problem with Mac OS10.3.7
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Problem with Mac OS10.3.7
Posted by rabob 6 Jan 2005 11:28am

As a Mac user I recently upgaded my operating system from OS10.2 to OS10.3.7 and have not been able to get a board image or ofcourse play a game since. Several other people who have OS10.3.7 have told me they have the same problem including the tech rep at Apple. No one seems to know how to fix this. I have the latest Java program and my firewalls are not activated. Does this mean that Mac users with the latest operating system are just out of luck with Game Colony? Someone out there must know how to fix this. Please help.

Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 7 Jan 2005 7:43am

It's a hassle, but have you tried playing around with your browser/other browsers? Java-related browser problems have been reported with previous OSs. Where else (if anywhere) do you experience the problem? I don't remember what stage pop-up blockers may come into play with GC but I'm guessing you've checked that. Also try contacting GC direct. They seem very helpful and clearly want to make the site as user-friendly as possible.

Good luck.

Tried Everything....
Posted by pequod77 7 Jan 2005 2:19pm

I have the same problema and have not had any luck getting it to work. I have tried three different broswsers, know the firewalls are open, and don't have any problems with any other sites. It does work with Mac OS 9 on the same computer. I uspect an incompatibility in the Java programming as I get these errors on the Java Console when I open the game window:

This is the text that comes up in the Java concole when I try to start a game:

Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_05
Using JRE version 1.4.2_05 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM


===>>>====== Tech code: 0[3]java.lang.Exception: !not exception! ========
java.lang.Exception: !not exception!
at gc.client.Client.outError(Unknown Source)
at gc.client.Client.hdError(Unknown Source)
at gc.client.SP.hdError(Unknown Source)
at gc.client.SP.handleSP(Unknown Source)
at Source)

Thanks Kaupanger
Posted by rabob 7 Jan 2005 2:57pm

I have tried other browers. I normally use Safari, but have tried explorer, firefox,netscape. Same results. I use Java 1.4.2 and it works with the GC test and is enabled, but does not work when I actually login. I do not have this problem anywhere else. I have contacted GC several times but they do not seem to know what problem is.
Is anyone using Mac OS10.3.7 and actually getting it to work at GC? Are Mac users with the latest OS just not able to use GC to play chess? I would like to hear from anyone who is using a Mac to play chess.

Macs, Test Java (chesslab) and GC game Java...
Posted by webmaster 7 Jan 2005 10:00pm

Although we test on several platforms, we currently do not have Macs in house. In theory, standard Java is supposed to work the same on all platforms, but there are differences in how Java Virtual Machine is implemented by different vendors in different environments.
As far as Java is concerned, Macs still lag behind most other platforms in Java functionality, speed, stability & compatibility.

Java in Test environment -- -- is implemented using the simplest & earliest Java 1.0 -- very little Java functionality & standard HTTP protocol (versus GC Java 1.1 with port-specific TCP/IP & potential firewall-related issues).

(Incidentally, although Macs can display Test chessboard at .. most (but not all) Mac environments would have a problem in searching for chess games and analysis functions there as certain standard Java features are not implemented there ...)

We will, however, be looking further into this issue
We'd also welcome any input on this issue of potential problems with latest Mac OS.
Please send any input on this via Contact Us

The Java console that is shown in one of the previous reports here is incomplete
Tech code: 0[3]java.lang.Exception: !not exception!
means LOGIN_BADPASS - (server's response), it occurs if:
(1) Java Client's passed name differs from database name

(2) Reconnection limit is exceeded

Please whoever is experiencing similar issues, send the full Java Console via Contact Us

Posted by KOLO 8 Jan 2005 10:01am

I have the same problem since I upgraded to OS10.3.7. I think that all of us Mac users that have the latest MacOS have the same problem in not being able to play GC chess anymore. I am really interested to see if there is anyone with MacOS10.3.7 that can play on the site. Unfortunately if you can't play on the site you probably stop reading the forum as well. Webmaster--I hope you can do something about this-I am sure I speak for all Mac users in saying we miss playing!

A request from webmaster regard Mac OS 10.3.7
Posted by webmaster 8 Jan 2005 4:12pm

For anyone with Mac OS 10.3.7 who experiences a problem, please send us (via Contact Us) the following information:

(1) Please tell us exactly what happens when you try to enter a playing room. Can you see see any other players there?

(2) Please send full Java console taken right at the time the error occurs

Thanks. We'd really appreciate it.

Just saw in a Mac store... Possible workaround!
Posted by webmaster 10 Jan 2005 7:34pm

With Mac OS 10.3.6 :

(1) Apple's Safari browser did not work - entry to room was disallowed (iot was reported that session expired right away). Java was, actually, not the problem: Safari browser was not passing correct information to the server.

(2) On the same Mac OS 10.3.6 Internet Explorer worked very well.

Explorer and MacOS10.3.7
Posted by rabob 11 Jan 2005 4:53pm

I actually can get a board with Explorer and MacOS10.3.7 but.....the clocks do not work right. They don't move for awhile and then the clock moves very fast to catch up and the pieces move rapidly. The graphics start up poorly, pieces not on squares, etc. but then it corrects itself. Clock is a problem. Is there anything that can be done with this? Big improvement over Safari on OS10.3.7 at least we now see a board.

MacOS10.3.7 and Internet Explorer
Posted by rabob 13 Jan 2005 10:17am

Webmaster--I still cannot play a game. It takes about 10 times longer to see a table with OS10.3.7 and Explorer than it did with OS10.2 and Safari and the clocks don't work so it doesn't work for watching games much less playing. It is very frustrating as I really liked everything about the site when I was using the old OS but using the old OS is not possible in the future. Thanks for your help to date and I hope you will be able to get this to work.

More on Mac OS 10.3.7
Posted by webmaster 13 Jan 2005 11:36am

The only recent change at GameColony (that
made Apple's Safari browser on Mac OS 10.3.7 work a bit better) was related to the addition of compact privacy policy. Now the entry into rooms is possible with different privacy level settings.
There has been no change in Java rooms per se. If you see a big difference in clocks/speed, check if JIT (Just-in-Time) compiler setting is on for Java Virtual Machine that you use (usually this setting is available within browser menus).

Also try a FREE FireFox browser for Mac:

MacOS10.3.7 and firefox
Posted by KOLO 13 Jan 2005 4:48pm

I have tried all the browsers I can think of including firefox and they don't work to be able to play. Explorer let me see table but the clocks and moves don't work. I seem to be getting same problem as rabob.

Worth a try
Posted by Kaupanger (VIP) 14 Jan 2005 7:50am

It seems that most, if not all, have tried playing with different browsers. As previously stated, I was aware of problems with previous Mac OSs/Browsers/Java capabilities. I have no experience of 10.3.7 but found this on the net: I guess most of you have also already tried this. Still, it can't hurt mentioning it. Going back to an earlier Java may be worth a try (and there again...).

Thanks for the great link Kaupanger!

The title of the arcticle from MacFixIt:

Mac OS X 10.3.7: Safari: Slow, non-functioning Java; more

Read it for suggestions. Apparently, Java is broken for this Mac release for all sites. They 'forgot' to test this release...

Java problems elsewhere....
Posted by pequod77 14 Jan 2005 10:28am

Thanks for the post from MacFixit. I tried all of their different suggestions and none of them worked for my Firefox or Safari. I am now re-installing the combo updater to see if that does it. I do get the same problem from Java Chat rooms, which does suggest that the problem is not just

Mac OS10.3.7 Problems
Posted by rabob 20 Jan 2005 10:55am

Webmaster: Is anything more being done with this problem? Did anyone contact you that could actually play at GC with Mac OS10.3 ? You have such a great site it is a shame that Mac users can't play. There have to be a lot of us out here that want to play, but have given up. I will try anything because I miss it. What can we do?

Mac OS10.3.7
Posted by webmaster 23 Jan 2005 9:39am

There have been multiple reports to Apple regarding Mac OS 10.3.7 Java & there's a very high likelihood that their very next OS release will test Java properly. Their previous releases work. So whoever did not upgrade to Mac OS10.3.7 .. don't. If you can go back to a previous release, do so. Otherwise, wait for Apple to fix it.

Mac OS10.3.7 Problems
Posted by KOLO 23 Jan 2005 2:18pm

Webmaster: I hope you are right and it gets fixed with next upgrade. There have already been several upgades to the OS10.3 systems [10.3.7 is only the latest] and they don't work. I hope Apple knows about this problem. Anything that you can do to make Apple aware of the problem would be appreciated. Thanks.

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