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IS scroll list broken?
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IS scroll list broken?
Posted by RRD (VIP) 30 Dec 2004 6:38pm

Webmaster, I have not been to gamecolony in a little while, and since I have been back whenever I enter the chess hall the place is not working right. When I enter and try to scroll through the names and the boards it won't work. I am not sure why, but it is not working correctly. I have tried the site on two different computers and two different internet connections and still get the same problem. So I don't think it is me, whats wrong? :/

Sun Java versus Microsoft Java
Posted by webmaster 1 Jan 2005 6:24pm

You may be using an outdated version of Sun Java as opposed to Microsoft Java.

Sun Java is updated very frequently (sometimes weekly), but still has multiple 'issues' and is slower & less stable than Microsoft Java.

(If you are technically inclined: the thread management functionality in Sun Java is much worse than in Microsoft Java which makes Sun Java a far less desirable choice for games for now)

Although installation of new versions of Sun Java is easiest ( ), it is a bit trickier to install a better/faster Microsoft Java for XP. The full procedure of installing Microsoft Java is described HERE

Sun Java vs MS Java
Posted by 2 Jan 2005 7:27pm

Microsoft Java is more stable and has less issues, however, I have found that Sun Java is better for 1/0 games as it enables you to move the pieces faster.

I can get upwards of 80 moves with Sun Java as opposed to about 65 with MS Java so it's a trade off.

I generally tolerate the crashes and nonfunctioning scrollbars in exchange for greater speed - it's a pain but I win games

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