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This ladder
Posted by ilduce 17 Sep 2004 10:31pm

IS there a rule to stop people hiding from challenges as the same two people keep doing it its very frustrating as i see them playing other ladder games with players lower rated who they know they will beat i find this ladder very frustrating as most of the top 20 just hide behind there rank but there about 3 i have found that will always play but what about the rest of the chickens surely a rule should be brought in to stop people doing this besides the top 20 challenge thing as thats way to slow.

Posted by 19 Sep 2004 11:15am

Keep in mind this isn't a gaming site devoted to the ladders. If it was, ladder tables would be the default or they would have separate ladder rooms (like Yahoo did a few years ago), this is a MONEY site. (I'll have to check back in 24 hours, 'Big Brother' might censor this post cuz of the money thing, etc) But anyway, they are concerned with making money at this site off the commission of their $Ticket sales/games/events. My advice to you is use this tool....

That allows you to see who is online. (Note: for some odd reason, it lists people who have logged in recently but aren't in a room so you have to watch for that. The top 20 players are in bold and linked so it's really handy to scroll down and look for 'blue' to stand out against the black.

Anyway, my point is, if you are really motivated to get ladder games then you should try to come online during the 'busy' hours. I'm sure you wouldn't have problem finding ladder games. Another thing, I was looking over your profile; you've played 40 games in 7 days and a large amount of those are 'up' games. I've learned from experience that sometimes the best way to get higher ranked people to play you is just to open a table and play all comers, sooner or later, one should pop in. I also know from experience that if you are online frequently and aggressively seek games then you will have NO problem moving up the ladder as long as you can win these games. The challenge system isn't really used. I don't know why I have 3 challenges, I'm normally on everyday, playing! Anytime you see me online, I'd be happy to give you a game.

This ladder
Posted by ilduce 19 Sep 2004 1:24pm

Ok ....there are certain individuals who just wont play me....Well im on a mission now to get to 1 ...Trust me it wont take long...

Posted by space 22 Sep 2004 3:09am

For someone so determined to make it to #1, you don't seem to be on that often. I'd like to play you but you're never online.

Posted by space 26 Sep 2004 1:52am

Hi again, once again I'd like to say for someone so determined to be #1, you aren't online all that much. Today was the first day I ever saw you in a room. After your win against Balbanes, you promptly left the table and sat in the room for a minute before leaving. I tried messaging you for a game but no dice, you'd already left. So, what's the deal? I can say you definitely won't make it to #1 without being online more often. The top 10 is too active, if you spend 2 days away, you will come back to find yourself in the teens again. Well anyway, I'm still looking forward to playing you and hope that I get to someday.

Posted by ilduce 26 Sep 2004 12:14pm

I left beacause it was 6am i was wasted and tired ill get to 1. u dont see me like i dont see any of u cas
1 i dont play chess all the time (alot tho )
2 im from ireland while everyone else in the top is from america.

I agree
Posted by 26 Sep 2004 8:08pm

I agree, for someone so determined to make it to #1, he sure isn't on often.

To illduce..ALL the best
Posted by crusader4u 30 Sep 2004 12:11pm


I appreciate your Goal to become #1 in the ladder, but i don't see you playing enough games or rather ur not in the room. As others say, you've to play more games and more frequently to stay on top and its not easy with all the best players around. Wish you all the best.

- The Crusader

Posted by space 1 Oct 2004 1:10am

This ladder is really active right now, especially in the top 40 so if you don't play then you're gonna slide down real fast. Sead was at #6 just 2 or 3 days ago (at 15 now)! Ilduce himself is almost out of the top 20. Will be by tomorrow afternoon/evening unless he gets a win vs a top 10 player by then.

Posted by 2 Oct 2004 3:56pm

Hi there, ilduce
I have no doubt you have the skill to get to #1. I have played you and I was impressed with your quickness and tactics. But that is something that you know and I know will happen. The position your in right now, is in my opinion the most exciting and rewarding part of the ladder game. I like to call it 'The Hunt'. The several times that I have been #1, I can honestly say I enjoyed The Hunt much better than 'the number'. HAPPY HUNTING, MY FRIEND.

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