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Speed Chess Players!
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Speed Chess Players!
Posted by
1 Sep 2004 1:48pm
Chess is a game of strategy, a game of wits, a game of plots and a game of patience. In other words chess was, is and always be a thinking game. I personally cannot stand fast players as i feel they are abusing the purpose and beauty of the game. I reckon they should play checkers instead. I will appreciate yr comments. regards/ CraftyKing.
Not quite so...
Posted by
1 Sep 2004 2:01pm
Speed chess was the favorite of one of the greatest chess players of all time, a one time world chess champion M. Tahl. In addition to his victories in standard snail-speed-thinking chess, Tahl won a great many victories in world speed chess competitions.
Speed chess is, obviously, best suited for those who can think and react fast. In the days of non-personal remote Internet playing and computers, speed chess (-4 min games and less) is the only form of chess competition that can reasonably assure no external assistance.
Speed Chess Players!
Posted by
2 Sep 2004 2:12pm
Thank you for your reply.I will take the comments in my own context. I set a game usually allowing 2 minutes maximum per move. Obviously not all the moves take 2 minutes to complete. Some are rather fast and some are a question of taking a good look before leaping. The adage goes that prevention is always better than cure. Ive noticed that most ladder players ranked above me do not wish to give me an opportunity to play them lest i move up. The same does apply to me as im not really ready to play a lesser ranked player lest i lose my ranking and rating. So where is the competition really?
The main reason
Posted by
2 Sep 2004 10:07pm
The main reason people play speed chess: It provides as a protection from playing against people who are using 'computer programs' to assist them in their chessplay. Another couple reasons would be that with fast modems, fast computers, and laser precise mice - that it's quite possible to play an enjoyable game of chess in a 1 minute time constraint. I have seen (and played) 1 minute games that went over 70 moves and still got a checkmate in the end. I also play 2/0 and 3/0. But that's as slow as I'm willing to go.
a few things
Posted by
4 Sep 2004 1:18am
Firstly Mr Crafty King, everyone has a choice, you may not like to rush your chess and I respect that, however, you should respect others that wish to play speedy games whatever there reasons for doing so
Secondly Webmaster, just because M. Tahl liked and played speed chess it doesn't mean the games was intended to be played in such a way.
Thirdly Mr Skywalker8, although you are quite correct that speed games do protect us from cheats, I dont believe that that is the major reason for speed games being so popular. In fact there are dozens of players on this site that seem very friendly, fair and honest and I would be fairly confident of getting a true game from 80 to 90 % of the players here. I believe the real reason is simply the time itself, we are all so rushed and busy these days that we grab 10 minutes here and half an hour there to play our chess, I cant speak for everyone of course, but I am sure that a lot of people do, like myself, find it very hard to find the time for long games of chess or even long sessions in general.
To finish up, generaly speaking, I prefer the longer thinking game when I have time and like Craft King I believe it was designed to be played that way, funny though, all my best results come from fast games, I wonder what this says about me. All in all, there are no rules about the time except those we set ourselves and remember, in whatever form you do it, just enjoy CHESS
Posted by
4 Sep 2004 4:04pm
I recall a popular timer from several years back - 0/1. It was allowed on some sites. It was 10 seconds of inital time with a 1 second increment. Very fast, very fun! If you were good, you could gain 5 seconds in the opening moves and be up on time the whole game. It's really fun so when you complain about 1/0, think about 0/1 
Another reason not to play 2min per move
Posted by
24 Sep 2004 3:51pm
It is players, like yourself, who have stopped me from playing 2 min games. If you play 2 min players you are at their mercy. You never know what might set a player off. Our last play, you apparently got upset over something. I think I said no to a draw when you were far behind in points and position. It was unfair but within the rules when at the end you played every move of your single king in 1 minutes and 59 seconds. But I did not like it at all.
To take my win I had to endure an interminable endgame. Why should anyone puts himself at risk that a player will play such a childish strategy? You are not the only player I have had this experience with, but since playing you I have sworn off two min games to avoid a repeat of games like that one.
This may be why higher ranked players won't play you and not their concern you could beat them in a game without GameColony's version of Chinese Water Torture.
I was really shocked to see from these postings that CraftyKing apparently is not a teenager.
I'd like to suggest that GameColony allow a player to both set a time for the game, with or without increments of additional time per move, perhaps 20 minutes for example, AND set a maximum of 2 minutes per move. With this option, we could set parameters for a game which would make playing CraftyKing enjoyable when he was in a good mood and bearable when he was not.
Slow games
Posted by
25 Sep 2004 2:56am
If you want to move up the ladder, you have to be able to play speed chess. Simple as that.
about speed chess
Posted by
7 Nov 2004 10:16am
i have to say, i like fast and slow games i mean from 3 mins to 2 hours.
But the thing i'm concluding is that the competition for long games is gone becoz the computer is a possible third party in play. Then u limit the games.... Computers get faster...
Who's to blaim? There wouldn't even be internet chess without the comp.
GO for instance has so many possibilities and a very simple ruleset it's very hard for a computer to calculate and win...
Posted by
10 Nov 2004 2:54pm
i agree with space, i was ranked 900 something a few days ago, and I played a few 2/0 games, maybe 10 games, i went up to rank 419 in about an hour, and I usually play 10/0 games!
Programmeers in speed chess
Posted by
11 Nov 2004 9:31am
Programmeeers 2
Posted by
11 Nov 2004 9:39am
ok here we are. I play 5 min not so speedy in some eyes but all the same I think it develops technique and ability to see more plays more often. I develop a knee jerk reaction which leads to its own set of experiences and plays. winning isnt the issue here for me its the experince.i.e. its not the destination, its the journey.
Also because of the difference in player ability, why wait two minutes for the same move that the player was going to do in the first place.
If you are not learning you are not living
And if I had to chose.... I would chose the slower game and a much longer life.
Complain for all adults
Posted by
22 Nov 2004 5:39pm
i am sure of that 95 % of you people are adults. because ya'll speak so formally! nerds...
Need for Speed
Posted by
23 Nov 2004 10:31am
Chess is ageless and sexless. What are you people really doing here if your concern is the age of the people who are playing.
It often surprises me that the highly ranked players PLAY ME...I'm a 1400 on average. They are gracious and don't make rude remarks about the ease with which I am WHIPPED.
If you are here for CHESS, I'm sure you cannot complain about this site.
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According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.