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Two issues here
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Two issues here
Posted by 31 Jul 2004 6:59am

First one is a question, what's the difference between muting and ignoring a player?

Secondly, why do people insist on asking for undos? If you slip alot, get a better mouse. If you can't afford a better mouse, stop playing games online and get another job or work more hours. If I slip (which I did, on a queen, vs the #3 ranked player), I resign without a complaint. I might say 'oops slip' or 'oops blunder' but I don't complain. And no, people who ask for undos frequently are NOT concerned about your development as a chess player (see a previous post), they are concerned about their win/loss record and/or rating. Trust me on this one


Difference between ignore & mute ...
Posted by webmaster 31 Jul 2004 12:25pm

Muting a player via /m PLAYER_NAME affects chat.
No chat from that player will be received during the current playing session

Ignoring a player via /i PLAYER_NAME affects invitations. No invitations from that player will be received during the current playing session

Hmm, how about another command
Posted by 31 Jul 2004 10:52pm

/b Name - Permanently banning them from joining your table even as a watcher for the duration of the playing session! That would be a very nice one. So many annoying people here.


the proposed /b option
Posted by webmaster 1 Aug 2004 9:14am

the proposed /b option makes sense
We'll add it to our job jar. It should appear after the next game ( canasta ) is in place here

Tight man
Posted by 5 Aug 2004 8:51am

I'll be very happy to see this feature implemented. Is there an approximate timetable for the release of Canasta? I know a few friends who would be interested in that game.


Good for Zero...
Posted by MAB 5 Aug 2004 11:35am

CANASTA is a game in progress. Happy to hear you are interested in Canasta as we expect it 'soon'. Prgramming is a bit more complex than some games but you can be sure it will be working great before it is available online here. While we are waiting you can certainly invite your friends to register, play a few other games, get comfortable with the site and the various information available to our players here. When Canasta is up and running smoothly your friends will be familiar with the site already and be ready to play that wonderful old game, Canasta.. wahooo !

Another idea
Posted by 5 Aug 2004 11:07am

Why not make 'Ladder' option the default when creating tables? It would surely make for more ladder tables in the lounge and if people don't want them, they can simply turn it off. I don't see why anybody would be against this idea. If you want to play for fun, you can play more than once at a ladder table, it will still count for rating. I think this would revitalize the ladder and get more activity going, as well as people (like myself) to get more ladder games instead of having to sit 15 minutes between games. That's what happens when you are interested only in the ladder, not in rating. What do y'all think?


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