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only Bullet!
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only Bullet!
Posted by Pecheur 29 Jul 2004 1:53pm

I will insist on playing Bullet from now on! I have seen so many players who are not able to calculate one single move when playing Bullet but if you meet their challenge in a longer time control they suddenly play like an engine. This is quite suspecious. This server is a wonderful place to play chess, but it has no methods to control this kind of cheating, that is why I only play 1 0 or 2 0 in future. Everyone who wants to challenge me as a ladder player will have to face this!

I agree, however
Posted by 30 Jul 2004 1:50am

There is a problem with that. Many of us on here, including myself, are bogged down with a bad connection or we just simply do need the time to think. Most 'engines', as you put it, need significantly more time to calculate moves plus for the person to go back and forth using it. I don't think anybody could do it very well at any timer below 4/0 or 3/1. Certain high rated players (if you catch my meaning) always tend to stick to 3/3, 5/0, 10/0, 8/0 as far as I've seen. Another thing that you might not be aware of is that the rules state, in a challenge, if both players cannot agree to a timer then the default timer (which is 5/0) must be used for the game. Which I think is a good rule, it prevents bullet players from taking over the ladder. My suggestion is this, if you are sure someone is using an engine then simply do not play that person again. I don't think its fair to try and force opponents to play 1/0 or 2/0 because personally I lose on time in 2/0 quite frequently, while up on material, and definitely can't play 1/0! That's my thoughts on this. As for the cheaters, that's unfortunate. Life is like that, there will always be someone trying to cheat to get ahead.


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