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Auto blocking of low elo players
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Auto blocking of low elo players
Posted by 3 Apr 2004 9:49pm

I see a lot of players that boot player that got a too low elo. Myself i play only around my elo or higher

When we create a table it would be greath to have a option 'only around my elo or higher'
like if i got '1630' then a good range would be 1560+

To add that, u should quickly know that u cant join a table that got that option on.

To have that option created it will be less insulting for players who get the boot and make it more fast.

Posted by (VIP) 6 Apr 2004 2:07am

i've been of a good way to say what you said and couldn't of said it better, for i choose to play those who allow me to obtain at least 7pts. after a win. To PLAY SOMEONE FOR 1PT. FOR A WIN AND LOSE 20 IF YOU LOSE IS MY REASON TO NOT WANT TO PLAY THAT INDIVIDUAL AND UNDERSTANDIBLY I ACCEPT WHEN ONE DOESN'T WANT TO PLAY ME.

Another option
Posted by webmaster 6 Apr 2004 3:48pm

Another option is to create a private table and send invitations only to those who 'qualify'

The reason for this problem ...
Posted by calc_guy 24 Apr 2004 2:57am

As I've pointed out before, the reason for this problem is the Elo ratings which were created for chess, not for gin rummy.

If the ratings were properly calibrated for gin rummy, everyone would be happy to play anyone else. For example, in a 100 point game, over the years I've found I'm a 2 to 1 favorite to win against a player who plays mechanically. Ie. he plays his own hand and plays no attention to defence, and follows a couple other simple rules I could write down in a minute or two.

That being the case, When I play a 1600 rated player and win, I should get about half as many points as when I lose. Instead, it's 3 points if I win and *60* if I lose!! Nobody who has a rating over 2000 is unaware of this fact. No one over 2000 EVER PLAYS a rated game against anyone under 1800, unless they've decided they no longer care about their rating (which does happen).

This is not good for gamecolony and it's not good for the comaradery(sp?) of the players.


Rating?? Its not a 'real' rating guys!!!
Posted by mrdemaria 29 Apr 2004 11:36pm

I 'Laugh Out Loud' every time I see people concerned about their ratings. Its a game on a game site, we're here to have fun! I dont like to play people with low ratings soley for the reason that 1 its not challenging, and 2 it actually makes me play on a lower level. The traps and pitfalls I set for wood-pushers is a totally different ball of wax than when I play serious veterans of the game. When I play low elo peple it only hurts me in the long run because I am not honing my game, I'm shooting fish in a barrell. I would LOVE to see an option to filter who can/can't join my table. Everyone has had low level guys 'stalk' them for a game, am I right or am I wrong? Also nobody (I don't anyway, I've seen some of us that do) likes to have to give people the boot! Ya with me?

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