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The winner says 'GG' after a big win. Appropriate?
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The winner says 'GG' after a big win. Appropriate?
Posted by webmaster 21 Mar 2004 8:29pm

Quite often we see that verbal sparring arises when a winner says 'GG' after a big win.

The winner may consider 'GG' to be a polite statement while the loser can regard this statement as a patronizing and/or self-congratulatory remark.

What's your opinion?

Posted by Siren (VIP) 30 Mar 2004 5:37am

Whichever whoever whenever wishes to say GG then why on earth would someone take offence to that ???

Win or lose & i do a lot more of the latter, i say GG. If that offends my opp then sorry but in my eyes it is manners, whether the game *** or is a nail biter.


Siren is absolutely right
Posted by _PAIN_ 20 Apr 2004 4:28am

One of the players I regard most is Siren. she is ssoooooo polite. For me, who cares! Anything you utter after winning a game is still offensive to a losing player as long as the latter happens not to be a good sport.

Posted by Siren (VIP) 21 Apr 2004 6:35am

Nice to read comments like that

Have to say no matter how high this lady's rating is (& it's HIGH) she always invites us lower ranked, a great sport.


I agree.
Posted by Boochy 29 Apr 2004 10:11am

I'm always saying GG, as I feel it just a matter of good manners.

On 'Good' Manners
Posted by webmaster 29 Apr 2004 2:08pm

In my book, it's good manners to be considerate of other people's feelings.
When you just had a huge win, is it really good manners to 'rub it in' by being the 1st one to automatically say 'GG' (good game)?
I think it would be more appropriate here to withhold your automatic 'gg' -- just out of 'good manners'.

Posted by Boochy 1 May 2004 12:21am

What would you suggest then? Just leaving the game? In MY book, that would be considered rude.

GG is cool
Posted by halding_2 1 May 2004 12:29pm

Win or lose, I feel elated whenever my opponent says GG after the game. If the loser felt offended, its his/her problem ( GA - Good Answer).

Instead of 1st saying 'GG' a 'BIG' winner may...
Posted by webmaster 2 May 2004 4:01pm

Instead of 1st saying 'GG' a 'BIG' winner may...

pick one:
* wait for the loser to say something 1st
* say sorry I got lucky here
* just use your imagination and say something that would not offend like being 1st to say:
GG <meaning...congratulations to ME!?> and <I deserved this BIG win!!!>

... it ain't as cool as you may think... Even total silence in this case is preferrable to this 'coolness'

Posted by Boochy 3 May 2004 12:51pm

I've played in many online games were it was acceptable to say gg.

I still prefer GG
Posted by KALABAW (VIP) 14 May 2004 1:20pm

I played a considerable number of games and with a lot of opponents but GG seems to be the best one to impart rather than, lets say, I was just lucky.

GG !
Posted by BATOTOY 22 May 2004 7:48am

I still prefer GG. More appropriate after a game

Well. . . .
Posted by juandelacruz 11 Jul 2004 11:43am

Any word doesnt matter as long as the loser was not a good sport!

Posted by Golden_Girl 8 Aug 2004 7:50am

It's very nice for someone to say Good Game to you -but in most cases it's just habit and if you have just lost by a big margin what's the response - thank you or what? because to you it wasn't a good game.

GG still
Posted by Mabuhay 4 Sep 2004 10:51am

Hey, i dont feel offended when my opponent said GG after I lose. Better that ' Play Harder ' or ' Go Play With A Baby ' !!!

Posted by 30 Apr 2005 9:18pm

I see a bit of the 'verbal sparring' went on here

If I lose I say 'gg', if I win I say nothing. Although if I've only won by a very small margin I say 'gg'.

How about this.
Posted by (VIP) 12 May 2005 5:03pm

I don't think GG is appropriate unless it is actually a GG and that depends upon the players own ideas. When someone gets great cards and skunks the opponent in gin i find it offensive to say GG when it was only a one-sided match. Therfore I think an appropriate comment after it's over is simply, 'Thanks for the game(s)'

Polite players will show respect and the rude players have nothing to say to that.

What do you all think?

GG is better
Posted by LIVEEVIL 15 Aug 2005 2:31pm

saying GG after a win is definitely more polite than just leaving the room or uttering other pot shots against a losing opponent.

Posted by MADoolin (VIP) 20 Aug 2005 7:49pm

I really think it is better just to say: 'Awe tough game, ty for playing!'


GG is more appropriate
Posted by SWEET_KILLER 29 Dec 2005 3:39pm

Good Game (GG) is far more better and a much respectful manner.

GG it is
Posted by Siren (VIP) 30 Dec 2005 3:57am

Majority agree

Happy New Year to everyone.


It's a hassel
Posted by rick_v 1 Apr 2006 5:45am

I don't find GG as being offensive to the loser. I don't mind my opponent saying GG after a really good game. However, it gets annoying when my opponent would type GG after every single game and I feel oblige to response with GG as well.

Stop Hate'n
Posted by blindjoe (VIP) 14 Apr 2006 1:49am

You know its all in the mood you are in. GG could be offensive or good manners. I personally say GG to be polite and when I see it I take it as being friendly no matter what the outcome of the game was! Dont Trip Potato Chip.

Posted by black_fox (VIP) 15 Apr 2006 7:58am

I say gg win or lose, it's just (IMO) being polite (big win or loss)

Posted by Edward_92 25 Nov 2006 1:48am

I say gg whenever i can and will no matter what

Posted by wolf_lake 19 Dec 2006 8:17am

it depends on the player i am playing if i enjoy the game win or lose i say gg to let the other player know this if they are rude or take forever to be rude i do not say anything but leave the table because the game was no enjoyed this is my opinion sorry if if i hurt someone's feelings

Posted by How_VV3_ROll (VIP) 31 Dec 2006 4:46pm

I think it's common curtiousy. This is not often practiced by the hated " table hoppers. " It is rude to leave the table no matter who wins.

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