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Posted by 13 Feb 2004 8:59am


Posted by mitlad (VIP) 15 Feb 2004 9:26am

time lim
Posted by snatchola 1 May 2004 12:40am

there was a 30 second time lim, but it was taken away........why??????????????

30 seconds, please
Posted by halding_2 2 May 2004 10:06am

There are players who deliberately prolong a game especially when they are about to lose. I prefer the return of 30 seconds.

Re: former 30 sec limit
Posted by webmaster 2 May 2004 3:53pm

30 sec per move limit was discontinued because it presented a problem to some players with slow dial-up connections and /or connection fluctuations.

time limit
Posted by snatchola 2 May 2004 7:09pm

Joining a 30 second table is a choice. If you have 'slow dial-up connection and/or connection fluctuations,' then don't join the table. Bring 30 second tables back, if u have a problem with the time limit..........then simply don't join the table.

30 secs. Please!
Posted by Protocol 4 May 2004 5:09pm

Snatchola was right. Why join a table with 30 secs. time limit when you are unsure of your internet connections

30 seconds should be retained
Posted by KALABAW (VIP) 14 May 2004 12:58pm

I have been playing 9 blocks and i prefer 30 seconds. Now, if I have problems with my connections, then I will choose 1 to 5 minute games. 30 seconds is better to compel my opponent to play faster. Others deliberately play slow either to make me made and lose my mind on the game ( and lose / forfeit the match ) or when they are about to lose or are much behind in points. 30 seconds is enough time to think your next move. May I further recommend using the clock / time like in chess games such as 10 minute in an entire game.

time limits
Posted by snatchola 9 Jun 2004 3:58am

wooooooohoooooooooooooo finally 30 sec games right on game colony

30 Seconds!!!
Posted by Lahi_ni_Inay 2 Jul 2004 11:05am

30 Seconds is back. YYYIIIPPPEEEEEEEEEE! thanks

is there 15 or just 10 seconds?
Posted by Mabuhay 4 Sep 2004 10:47am

15 OR 10 SEC
Posted by u_shoulda_listened 12 Sep 2004 8:41pm

YEAH GAME COLONY, WHAT ABOUT 15 OR 10 SECONDS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Regarding 10-15 seconds
Posted by gcuser1 14 Sep 2004 7:53pm

Reducing per-move times can become a very slippery slope: the game could be reduced to competition of whose connection is better.

If we did that ... why not introduce a new game where people don't really play at all but just stay connected and see who loses their connection first?


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