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speed chess - am I missing something ?
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speed chess - am I missing something ?
Posted by threeputt 5 Oct 2003 3:54pm

When I watch a speed game it appears to me to be physically impossible for the players to move the pieces as quickly as it happens on the screen. Are the players using special devices rather than the drag & drop mouse ? Consequently when I (very rarely) play these 1 min games I always lose as my time runs out quicker than the opponent no matter how fast I move. Consequently as a 'traditional' chess player whos just come back into the game I tend to stick to the longer game, I always thought chess was a thinking game - to be ahead 'on points' but lose on time in a very short game is beyond my comprehension, but I'm open to opinion !

'Speed' Chess
Posted by (VIP) 6 Oct 2003 6:27pm

'Speed' is just a term that I personally refer to, meaning that it is a very fast paced game. I am trying to get tournaments back into GC Chess room. It would be impossible to play any other type of game than 5 min/no increment tournament (the tourney would last all night). As to the question regarding using devices....I personally do not know of any, but you can go to the Contact Us button and inquire there. Please feel free to ask me anything & if I do not know the answer I will find it out or refer you to someone that can help you. Thank you for playing a GC and enjoy your games.


speed of modem may be a factor
Posted by Nimzovich 17 Oct 2003 12:02am

If it seems like you are not able to move as quickly as your opponent it may be because your modem isn't as quick as the person's you are playing against.

I only play 1 minute games
Posted by fillebb1 26 Nov 2003 9:42am

When u have been playing as long as some of us here (over 25 years now), u 'know' what the first moves will be and u can move ur pieces like 2 times in a sec, so it's very important to play unregular moves if u wan't to gain some time advantage. And no we don't use special devices, I use a logitech cordless ballless one, one of the oldest and it still does the trick

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