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Trying to raise rating
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Trying to raise rating
Posted by dch___2003 24 Sep 2003 9:23am

I have a question for the top players, rating of 1850 or better: Do you play anyone? I have found that many lower ranked players are much better than their rating indicates. They are working their way up. If you play them and lose, you go way down. If you win, you only get a few points. Is it worth it? I believe a player should give everyone a chance, but there is a problem here. Would appreciate hearing how you handle this situstion. Thank you for your time.

Posted by (VIP) 12 Feb 2004 9:44pm

hey i try very hard to get my rating up.. right now my rating is like 1300 or so it goes up and down all the time.. i also believe that everyone should be givin a chance, but there are people on here that only play for the rating. they are worried that they might lose a few points. Ratings don't really mean anything to me. just a number. i only play for fun.


Posted by tom_ato 5 Apr 2004 12:43am

Does it really matter to you if you lose? This game is really about the fun. Sometimes it is irritating when you play someone lower rated and lose, but you do not let that get you. Just keep playing whether they are losw ranked or high ranked. Doing this will get you better and better.

Posted by chemical_st0rm 15 Dec 2004 6:13pm

'I have a question for the top players, rating of 1850 or better: Do you play anyone?'

Yes i play anyone.
And would rather lose a good game than winning by 8 pieces.

Rating is just a NUMBER

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