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Posted by Canuck_Kid 5 Aug 2003 12:25am

I don't usually complain about things like this, but this is really getting annoying.

There have been a number of irritating players who, for one reason or another, insist on sending pointless/annoying message after message.... I won't mention names. (I'm sure most people have come across at least one person that does this.) I realize one way out is to simply ignore them, not respond and so on, but it's very annoying to have my chat box filled with all this garbage when I'm actually trying to talk to someone. Same thing with invitations.... if I want to join someone's table, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself without 100 invitations to the same game.

Any chance we can add some kind of mute feature, or block someone from talking to/inviting you repeatedly? It'd sure save me a lot of headaches.

Man, I hate spam messages.

Posted by Spider (VIP) 5 Aug 2003 10:40am

You do have the ability to mute a player that is bothering you. In order to do this type the following: /mute (players complete nic) This will block any messages from this player sent directly to you. On the invite popup box, you have an ignore option. Use it when you receive invite after invite from a particular person. Hope this helps you to enjoy your gaming time

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Play checkers tournaments online

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