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what ever happened to pegasus and t
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what ever happened to pegasus and t
Posted by RRD (VIP) 16 Jul 2003 11:13pm

Very very sad news everyone, i don't think pegasus and tuppers love us anymore. I have not seen them in a long time and i think we must have let them down I am ashamed we let them down and i guess they hate us now This is very very sad news and maybe we can try and be extra good and then they will want to be friends again If pegasus and tuppers are here, i am sorry we let you down and that you don't love us anymore

Pull yourself together boy!
Posted by mpegmovie (VIP) 17 Jul 2003 4:46pm

U R always crying! It is getting annoying! Stop please, gzzzzzz. I'm not trying to sound rude, it's that this might be the only way for you to see my point!

Posted by RRD (VIP) 28 Jul 2003 9:59pm

Your very very mean! I guess you like being mean to people and saying mean things :*( Guess you hate us too

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