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Posted by TUFTS01 (VIP) 5 Jul 2003 4:30pm

> >

Posted by RistaUF 6 Jul 2003 12:21pm

What's so important about 4th July?

your not very nice rista
Posted by RRD (VIP) 7 Jul 2003 10:04am

rista your not very nice, this is an american based sight and it would be nice if you don't support usa to at least have the courtesy to not insult the country and keep your comments to yourself

RRD, don't jump to conclusions...
Posted by Zyphr 7 Jul 2003 4:32pm

RistaUF maybe from another country and is not educated about the 4th of July. I think you owe Rista an appology.

Thats a possibility
Posted by RRD (VIP) 7 Jul 2003 6:01pm

I am sorry rista, i just assumed with world events and anti-americanism around the world right now you were poking a joke, but then again 4th of july is just another day to people in other countries, you might have known that it was the day america declared its independece from britain july 4th, 1776, unfortionatly many americans do not know why we celebrate this holiday either, if they taught history in our schools better it might give kids today a perspective about the world, but i am sorry rista, i did not think about you might not know what 4th is

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