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Posted by webcheck 1 Jul 2003 7:27am

To the Administrators.
The most chessgames that are played here are Bullet chessgames(max 3mins time). Very, very often the one who is winning looses on time because the other one is asking for abort or remis and the one who is winning looses cause he has to press 'no' all time. To press 'don't ask anymore' + the ok button takes with a fast connection up to 3seconds(!!!) AND it takes the time of the one who answers! TO MAKE IT FAIR AGAIN: THE PROGRAM SHOULD BE CHANGED SO THAT EITHER THE TIME IS STOPPED DURING AN DRAW, ABORT OR TAKEBACK OFFER, OR THAT THE TABLEOPTIONS CAN BE CHANGED TO PREVENT OFFERS AT ALL!(like it is available for the takeback). I think the second possibillity is the better one to not let bullet games to often be interrupted.
Thanks for listening and i hope for a program update!

I 100% Agree
Posted by RRD (VIP) 4 Jul 2003 11:35am

stop the bad losers
Posted by jimmyferg 23 Apr 2004 10:39pm

I agree with all the above. Maybe asking to abort the game should have a 5 second penalty and can only be asked once or twice. However you do it, stop the bad sportsmen spoiling it for others

I agree with jimmyferg
Posted by cowbucs 24 Apr 2004 11:19am

A penalty sounds good.

Thanks for your input
Posted by webmaster 25 Apr 2004 10:56am

I occasionally play blitz (or bullet) games myself here, even 1 min games.
I prefer to always check a 'No Take-back' option (BTW no-takeback is the ONLY option in $Ticket games)
On several occasions I also encountered the same annoying tactic -- players ask for Abort or Draw when losing. Most of the time I was able to spend no more than 1 second on selecting 'Do not ask that question again' and pressing OK button. The opponent usually loses valuable time here by continually asking for Abort or Draw and getting an instant auto-reply.

However, once or twice I was not successful with the above procedure - when I was very low on time to begin with.

The suggestion of a penalty is quite interesting. We'll consider implementing a 3-sec penalty shortly.


time wasters
Posted by beardsley 7 Jul 2004 2:56pm

This is an irritating tactic - it should only be available during the opponents turn.
The opponent shouldn't be allowed to run your clock down by continually asking to abort a game they've lost.
People who do this should be logged and banned.

I agree
Posted by 16 Jul 2004 3:27pm

What some ppl may not realize is, when someone ask for an abort or draw, it can throw off your focus and game plan. It was done to me once, and i was up and just collapsed afterwards

I think it should be an option
Posted by 17 Jul 2004 7:41pm

The penalty does sound good but what's wrong with adding it as an option to prevent it? Such as 'No Takebacks, No draws, No aborts' would be good.

bad losers
Posted by punk-chess 22 Jul 2004 7:18pm

It should be an option you can check at the start - no take back, no abort game!

[ from webmaster
There certainly is such table option

I've lost when low on time because the opponent kept pressing abort as I was trying to move my piece to mate him, and the game won't let you make the move when the abort window is up.
[ from webmaster
Take a closer look at any dialog that contain any opponent's proposal. select a checkbox 'do not ask that question again'.

Posted by 22 Jul 2004 11:53pm

It should be an option you can check at the start - no take back, no abort game!

[ from webmaster
There certainly is such table option ]

Yeah, ok where is the 'no aborts' option? Pray, tell!

from webmaster
One way to have 'no aborts' option is to avoid taking the 'morning after' pill. The easier way, though, is once abort is suggested to you ... before clicking 'No' to check off 'do not ask that question again' box and only after that press No button. Same with Draw. After you do that, your opponent will keep losing time by pressing these buttons & getting immediate denials...

Posted by beardsley 24 Jul 2004 2:56pm

So why can't we just have it as an option?

It would be nice
Posted by RRD (VIP) 27 Jul 2004 5:53pm

Probably because it would be a lot of work for Webmaster to implement this program option and he might have to shut down the chess hall for a few days, but who knows, maybe he is working on it right now! He will suprise us with it and he is secretly logging all those who would use this mean, cold hearted attack. Right now webmaster might have a list (just like Santa Claus) of who is mean and nice and he is going to post the names of those using this tactic, then they will never be seen here again!

from webmaster
Santa disagrees with the proposed options -- he happens to like the current 'No Takeback' option (default for $Ticket games). But he thinks that 'No Offers' or 'No Draws', 'No Aborts' options will look quite silly. If you are faced with an unwanted proposal, there is a 1 sec method to stop your opponent from uttering it again (see above).
Also consider the situation: your opponent tells you he needs to run and asks for Abort. If you had that silly 'No Aborts' option, there'd be no way to grant an Abort. Same with Draw.
Santa also asked tell y'all that a slight delay is now in place for anyone proposing anything. So ..... multiple proposals are automatically penalized!

Posted by 28 Jul 2004 10:03pm

I am noticing the delays now when people try to ask me for a draw or an abort, so I guess that works. Good job.


Penalties good
Posted by jimmyferg 22 Aug 2004 4:29am

Time penalties for proposals is the answer, well done webmaster

Why not make it so....
Posted by _Nobody_ 28 Apr 2005 7:57pm

.... you dont have to stop and answer the question. you can continue playing and the box will disapear behind your game board, like when you have multiple pages open, you click one and it comes to the top.....

just another suggestion.

Posted by syk0 3 May 2005 6:33pm

IRL chess, by playing your next move is the same as refusing the draw. Maybe as suggested you should not have to close the box but merely play your next move to refuse the abort/draw offer. That would be enough, but you could take it slightly further and set it so if this happens three times then it automatically refuses all future offers.

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