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Does anyone have a handle on the Italian?
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Does anyone have a handle on the Italian?
Posted by
18 Jun 2003 5:02pm
So I,m a jazz musician and every Tues night I play the same gig. The guy who books the gigs there always brings his chess board and during the set breaks we play. He always uses the same opening...Italian. I know that I lose these games within the first 10 or 12 moves because he is so damned good at this opening. I get punished. Is there a reccomended play against this? I'm not sure how many variations there are but he basically starts.... 1.e4,e5 2.Nf3,Nc6 3.Bc4.... From there it seems that he always has an answer to whatever I try.
More a knob than a handle
Posted by
(VIP) 19 Jun 2003 10:19am
Hi Chapters,
I'm pretty rubbish in the opening (not much better in the rest of the game either) and often find myself wondering 'what the heck am I supposed to play here.' Being lazy, that's as far as my chess research takes me. Here's a site that may be of interest to you: Play around when you get there, it has quite a lot to offer. Also, why not try GameColony's Chess Lab and see what that suggests? 3... Bc5 seems to be a popular response. 3... Nf6 will probably delight a White who's at home in the Giuocco Piano/Italian. Other interesting tries are 3... Nd4 and 3... Be7. Another alternative (the one I use) is to never reply 1... e5. Good luck!
Another idea...
Posted by
20 Jun 2003 7:32pm
Maybe try getting him out of his comfort zone with the Sicilian Defense (1... c5), or the Scandinavian Defense (1... d5) for something a little simpler, or maybe the French or the Caro-Kann. Unless, of course, your goal is to learn to play against the Italian. I prefer the Two Knights Defense (3... Nf6) against the Italian, but as was mentioned above, he would probably be right at home in those lines. So if you just want to beat this guy, try a non-symmetric e-pawn opening. Good luck!
Posted by
23 Jun 2003 2:33pm
I will definately work out all of these options. Thank you
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