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Posted by CribsterCO (VIP) 9 Aug 2024 2:47pm

The GC Ladder is broken. There is far too much importance placed on games played at the end of the month. This would be like the NFL counting end of regular season games as 4 wins instead of 1. Or Jim Mahan beating Erik Locke 2 games on July 31 and being crowned national ACC cribbage champion for the season. In July I believe PeterPel didn't play a game until July 28 or so and still claimed top ladder prize for July. I understand GC wants EVERYONE to feel like they have a chance in the ladder. The down side is regular players (like me) are "penalized" (or at least not rewarded) for doing well earlier in the month.

Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) 17 Aug 2024 9:09am

Even worse for UK players, the 5+ hours time difference we have little or no chance.

Posted by peterpel (VIP) 17 Aug 2024 6:20pm

I went back and checked. I played well over 300 games/tourneys in July. There was a week or 2 where I didn't play many. But I also agree with you about how the ladder points are awarded.

Posted by CribsterCO (VIP) 23 Aug 2024 2:57pm

Apologies Peter. Shows my age perhaps as I did not remember you playing for most of July up until the very end. In any event for the sake of Game Colony and promoting more play, ladder points earned June 3 should count as much as a game played June 29.

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Play cribbage tournaments online

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