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Not accepting challenge
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Not accepting challenge
Posted by Peggrhead 11 Feb 2023 11:43am

I’m new to this site and would like to know why people have a request to play but when I accept it they don’t play, are they afraid of losing too many points because I’m rated lower ?

Posted by Bones (TD) 14 Feb 2023 11:06pm

You will find this to be the case. Learn to enjoy playing on this site for the fun of the game or become a VIP tix player for the real competition. Don't take points too seriously. Some people covet them, but they are not really an indication of skill level. Have Fun Mate!

Posted by gjamies1 19 Feb 2023 9:56am

Get rid of them and this site would be infinitely better. I had a bad run and at one time dropped to just above the 1200 mark. It became harder an harder to play anyone. The rating system ruined another site which eventually stopped and I am sure there are more "members" on here who have left for the same reason. When I study the high ratings and look at their play statistics, it baffles me how they are rated so high. Just over the 50% win rate and a rating of over 2300. So, in answer to Bones, you can't have fun if its not possible to play and although I do occasionally play for Tix, not everyone wants to.

Ratings used in Tournaments
Posted by KyllerB (VIP) 1 Mar 2023 12:29pm

Curious, are ratings used by GC to set the pairings in a tournament? If so, it may explain why they are still part of a players profile.

Posted by Bee_Mann 3 Mar 2023 10:40pm

I agree. The rating are useless. I don’t understand how they work. It should be based on percentage wins.

Posted by skunk61 14 Mar 2023 3:38pm

I always play within 100 points only. There is always plenty of players to play with this parameter.

Posted by gjamies1 16 Mar 2023 9:35am

Why only 100 points? This subject about ratings is one of the most discussed items on this forum, and it would appear very few are in favour of the system and many, like myself, would prefer a percentage win but unsure if this could be adopted within the software of GC. Maybe an answer by the Mods on GC.

RATINGS in tourneys and other
Posted by ChrisCrossed (moderator) 19 Mar 2023 1:44pm

Hi Kyler. The ratings are NOT used to determine tournament pairings... It is totally random programming via the computers running the tourneys.

It is a shame that players pay so much attention to the ratings when in main.... I know mine have gone way up and way down.. but it has not changed that fact that I might still be a good player, just indicated a run of defeats, or wins. I find the ratings have nothing to do with player ability.

Agree with others about ratings
Posted by SatchCho 22 Mar 2023 1:33am

Just get rid of them. It adds nothing to the game, and people that are hung up on rating’s won’t play lower ranked players because it may negatively affect their rating. Besides the way they are set up is a total joke.

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