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invites for games requiring tickets
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invites for games requiring tickets
Posted by Finnigan1 31 Oct 2022 10:55pm

I am unable to buy tickets due to state laws. but I frequently get game requests that require tickets. why does the system allow requests for games that require tickets to players that don't have any tickets in their account? or is it still possible to play or accept the request for no tickets?

Invite All
Posted by Bones (TD) 1 Nov 2022 10:55pm

Finnigan1, G'day mate, I suspect that the inviter is 'inviting all' as their option. That invite goes out to all players, regardless of their VIP status. They are not inviting just you per se, but anyone who is a tix player to play with them instead of individually asking. You could do the same "invite all" and the tix players would also be invited. You cannot join a tix match without tix. Hope that answers your question!

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Play cribbage tournaments online

At you can play games of skill only -- play for free or play for $prizes!. According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!).   The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.
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