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dealt cards
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dealt cards
Posted by Patricia100 31 Jul 2022 5:52am

the cards that are dealt seem to be that they are giving too many good hands, that you would never see in real life and thay are giving them to one side for a complete number of games.

on random cards
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 5 Aug 2022 1:45pm

There are No pre-generated cards or 'proportions',
'rotations' or 'cycles' to the card distribution. The securely firewalled server generates the random card deals anew at the time of the request.

Dice, card and bone generation modules utilize the same scheme of randomization currently based on standard XORShift+ random generator -- a fast, reliable and simple RNG that since its invention in 2003 has been statistically proven to provide good random data.
If you play for Tickets, you can review all your completed ticket games via Manage Account - > account statement. Each finished game can be re-played move-by-move.

Further, as anyone who has played very long can attest to, just about any
land-based or online game can also be 'streaky'. At some point in time, all players will run into a strange losing streak or a particularly strange run of cards.

cards will be cards
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 11 Aug 2022 11:14am

Agree with webmaster, whether cribbage; or any card game is played online or in person the cards just are what they are, no matter how unfair it seems at times.
If a person gets a bad run online; often the computer programme is blamed. When it happens face to face the cards weren't shuffled properly.
When online, I find if your cross the fingers on your non-mouse hand & the toes on both your feet there's a 50.1% chance of you getting better cards than your opponent. Maybe try that Patricia.

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 13 Aug 2022 2:01pm

While the rest of us are presented with the dribble that comes out of ImDerc's mind, I find it fascinating that he is obsessed about the perceived 'rudeness' of players who don't engage him in chat (whether they can or not is irrelevant to him). Meanwhile, a legitimate question from a likely new player, answered by the webmaster, somehow needed additional commentary in a condescending and rude manner? ImDerc must be used to people just allowing him to act with impunity and make comments without both understanding or empathy. Good showing ImDerc. True Colors are we like to say.

Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) 15 Aug 2022 11:00am

Please read the original post. Especially ImDerc, there is no mention of winning or loosing, just the fact that on here there are a lot of good hands. I am 70 years old and have been playing cribbage of one form or another for well over 50 years. I all that time with real cards I personally have had two hands of 28 and have never seen a hand of 29. Further more the players I play with, some of whom are older than me and been playing longer have also never seen a 29 hand. Yet on here I have had it twice and it does get posted regularly that someone has had a 29 hand. The cards may be dealt randomly, but are there other controls available to lower the scoring maybe?

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 19 Aug 2022 1:55am

I'll start with pajamas, I've read the OP & agree there is no mention of winning or "loosing" as you put it, but which of those do you think Patricia100 was referring too? Surely you aren't that dumb, both myself & MAB assumed correctly & spoke without mentioning the 2 words you did. Also, just on a side note; I've got 1 28ptr on this site & 2 29ptrs face to face playing my sisters & too many 28ptrs to recall from my 43yrs of playing cribbage with family & friends. I've also got 3 Royal flushes playing poker. Maybe your just not as lucky as me or your memory has faded, I suspect the latter.
Aaah, my mate Sherlock, firstly stick to the subject & keep posts in the appropriate thread. Secondly; are you sure the OP posted a "legimate question"? Did you notice how I inserted a question mark there? That's because I was asking a question; not making a statement like the OP did. Maybe there's a kindergarten near you that the teacher can educate you on the difference between a question & a statement in between your nap times.
Hopefully that will enable you to get a better grasp of OP's intentions; so you don't continually make a fool of yourself by misunderstanding their point.
I can see why Arthur Conan Doyle made a point of making it blatantly clear that you were the dumbest member of the Holme's family, because clearly you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) 19 Aug 2022 8:20am

When conversation results in insults, you have lost! My memory is perfect, It may be you only dreamed of those big hands.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 20 Aug 2022 7:30am

You must be the most unlucky card player I've ever met if you're memory is as good as you say.I'm only 48; so my memory hasn't faded yet.
In my 40 odd years of playing cards; I have played 100's of thousands of games of cribbage, poker, euchre, 500 & have got the ultimate hands in all of them too many times to bother keeping track of.
I have genuine pity for you if you have only EVER got 2 hands of 28 & never seen a 29ptr.
Including the 2 29ptrs I got & the ones my opponents have gotten; conservatively I've seen at least 8, probably more because I don't think my memory is as good as yours. ***insert shake head emoji***
Playing poker I have seen at least 15 Royal flushes including the 3 I got.
Here's another hand I got playing blackjack with 8 decks in play at the local casino once: I got dealt 77 of diamonds & the dealer had a 7 of diamonds too. There was a bonus $5k for me & $500 for every other player on the table if took a card & got another 7 of diamonds. Guess what card I got? If the dealer had got a 7 of another suit I would have only got 3 times my bet, but becoz his 7 was also a diamond I won $5k & 4 other players won $500.
Believe it or not, I don't care, but I assure you it happened.
Maybe your lack of luck can be attributed to you only playing a few games a day over your 50+yrs experience. At different times in my life I have played all the games I mentioned 100's for some & thousands for others during the course of my day.

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 21 Aug 2022 1:31am

For anyone not acquainted yet with ImDerc, He is the perfect player. Best player on the planet indeed, even though he has never played in a real tournament. Stay tuned school children and even experts, he has much to say about cribbage. After all his parents let him read a book in the 1970s, that he considers the bible. He will gather his VAST knowledge and impart it to you, even if you are a brand new player. He is so experienced and has won so many accolades, that he will even tell grandmasters or world champions how to play. Game colony should be honored to have such an accomplished player tell those of us unworthy of his compliments. He does after all live in a tiny country in Africa. His command of English, grammar, math, and comprehension are elementary Dear Watson, but he continues to bash every player on this site. Remember, he is the grand master. He has no trophy like the rest of us, but in his East African Nation, he is the best, so you should listen to him. Really. There are at least 4 people in his country that play the game, but you should always listen to the wise Imderc. His current ladder rank is 366, he has played 8 games in the entire last month and has a 49.4% winning percentage for his life on GC. Yup, he's your go-to expert on cribbage, Maybe, you could at least be over 50% before you start lecturing? Yea, that will never happen, you're just a fool as I suspected.

Posted by gjamies1 (VIP) 21 Aug 2022 10:03am

I like it

Posted by yetta4 (VIP) 23 Aug 2022 7:09pm

can someone explain how it works please?

Posted by MAB (moderator) 25 Aug 2022 7:58am

Please follow this link for a better understanding of the ladder.
You can also access the rules from the Cribbage main page.

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