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Naive players
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Naive players
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 25 May 2022 6:48am

One or 2 players on this site enjoy playing me, but just as many don’t.
The one’s who don’t, share a common trait; they all believe it is OK to remain silent when your opponent (i.e. me) says “hi, gl” prior to games commencing. I don’t expect any of them to match the good wishes I offer them, but it’s nice when they do.
A simple acknowledgement of your opponent is suffice for me, but unfortunately a few lack that common courtesy. I believe they would all say hello if we met face to face; but due to the anonymity of being online, they think it is ok to not do so.
I find such lack of online etiquette to be fake & rude. I apologise for any comments I have made to those guilty of this, but think they are more than warranted.
This is not an apologetic thread though, to those who don’t like the comments I have said to them, take a look in the mirror; accept your previous actions have caused them & change your ways.
If you would say hi to your opponent’s face as they sat across the table from you; especially after they have said hi to you first, then behave the same online.
It’s not rocket science; just the simplest form of human interaction, when we meet, we acknowledge each other & say hello. Then may the best man win.

Posted by iPeg 20 Jun 2022 3:42pm

Some players may have chosen to disallow chat while playing, possibly due to some rude players in the past. In that case, they may not be able to see or respond to your good luck greeting. Whether someone responds or not might not indicate that they aren’t a friendly person.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 22 Jun 2022 12:22pm

There's a slim possibility 1 or 2 players may have utilised the mute function. This post is not directed at them.
For legal reasons I cant name the intended victims of this thread, but hopefully they read it, lol.
But I fear that when tomorrow comes, they will remain blissfully unaware of their poor online etiquette & still say hello to people they play face to face & neglect to do so online..
It's hard to educate people who are too stupid to learn how to better themselves.

Posted by TexasRose (VIP) 30 Jun 2022 9:45am

I appreciate when I type hi, or gl, or anything else and get a response. But indifference, or whatever. No big deal.

Posted by CribCutee123 13 Jul 2022 10:52am

I understand what you are saying because I really like to exchange pleasantries throughout the game. I think it's polite and the social aspect is really part of the fun. However, I will say, that I use a laptop to play. And the chat is right there and easy to use. I tried downloading the app once to my phone and when I logged into a game, I could not see the chat. In fact, I had to go to a different screen to do so, which really stalled the game. So, thinking about those who don't chat kindly, I wonder if some of them are using a mobile device and either are unaware of the chat function or don't use it because it is so cumbersome.

She is Correct
Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 24 Jul 2022 11:46am

Cribcuttee is 100% correct. ImDerc has once again jumped to a conclusion that is incorrect. If I play on my phone using the chat, even saying GL or GG completely messes up the game. The screen size is modified, the game goes blank, and it disconnects. All the time. Ever seen a player leave and come back a bunch of times right away? That's a mobile device. Also, there are players that are on this site, that are permanently muted. They could not talk to you if they wanted to. ImDerc is correct. There are naive players. Not having a full understanding of why someone is not chatting with you is certainly naive.

Posted by shwatson 26 Jul 2022 9:47am

Are you aware that Game Colony by default does not allow chat between VIP players and the rest of us. You can change this setting; perhaps you will get more replies.

naive players
Posted by TexasRose (VIP) 26 Jul 2022 4:51pm

perhaps because you are arrogant?

Love hearing from the peanut gallery
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 11 Aug 2022 1:15pm

I can assure you the people this thread is aimed at can type, so aren't muted; just rude/naive/socially inept. They have been from the 1st, 2nd...nth time we played & I typed "HI GL" to them on all those occasions & got no response. Even now when I play them I still say HI GL in the hope they have changed, but sadly for them they haven't. So soz not soz for anything I have said to offend them after the nth time, lol.
Sherlock may not understand, mainly because he always was the dunce of his family & often smashed off his face on illicit substances. But unlike him; I fully understand the people I am referring to choose not to acknowledge their opponent because they use the anonymity of being online to act differently to how they would in person.
Do peanuts grow on Rose bushes too? You learn something new everyday, lol.

More champagne comedy Baker, bravo, keep up the good work.
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 19 Aug 2022 7:15am

How amusing is it that Sherlock doesn't return fire on this thread & pretends to have got the better of me on someone else's thread.
We have only played a few times & from memory they have been cordial games, so surely he knew this thread wasn't aimed at him; but he still felt the need to add his 2 cents worth.
I get the feeling he doesn't like me, which makes me laugh & smile; but almost cry through sadness.
I can't feel anything but pity for you Sherlock, the grudges you hold against me cloud your mind & you express nonsensical thoughts.
You insinuate I don't understand why the people I intended this thread for act like they do??? You create excuses for them??? Maybe get your older brother Mycroft to explain my OP to you; because clearly you are clueless.
The emoji choices on this site are pretty bad; so will have to insert mine with words.
My first emoji is the hand over the face with the head shaking from side to side in disbelief at your stupidity.
The 2nd emoji is doing the same; as too is the third & fourth.
The fifth emoji is hopefully in the near vicinity of you & rolling on the the floor laughing loudly at your misguided thoughts & opinions.
The 6th emoji wants to give you a hug because it is concerned about your mental stability.
We all go through bad trots, but just know that you can lean on me if you're not strong & I'll help you carry on.

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 21 Aug 2022 1:32am

For anyone not acquainted yet with ImDerc, He is the perfect player. Best player on the planet indeed, even though he has never played in a real tournament. Stay tuned school children and even experts, he has much to say about cribbage. After all his parents let him read a book in the 1970s, that he considers the bible. He will gather his VAST knowledge and impart it to you, even if you are a brand new player. He is so experienced and has won so many accolades, that he will even tell grandmasters or world champions how to play. Game colony should be honored to have such an accomplished player tell those of us unworthy of his compliments. He does after all live in a tiny country in Africa. His command of English, grammar, math, and comprehension are elementary Dear Watson, but he continues to bash every player on this site. Remember, he is the grand master. He has no trophy like the rest of us, but in his East African Nation, he is the best, so you should listen to him. Really. There are at least 4 people in his country that play the game, but you should always listen to the wise Imderc. His current ladder rank is 366, he has played 8 games in the entire last month and has a 49.4% winning percentage for his life on GC. Yup, he's your go-to expert on cribbage, Maybe, you could at least be over 50% before you start lecturing? Yea, that will never happen, you're just a fool as I suspected.

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