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Thankful I got to play a GC legend yesterday
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Thankful I got to play a GC legend yesterday
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Apr 2022 2:32am
I have played on this site for 15 yrs or so; not sure exactly how many. In my eyes the best player I have faced is TEOG. I've probably only won 2% of games we've played, he just has the knack of beating me mastered & always does so in a respectful way. There's a small part of me that fears playing him because the odds always seem to be stacked against me; I mean how does he get so many flushes? But as frustrating as that can be (especially when the flush he got in the 1st or second hand means I lose by under 3 points), it has always been a privilege to play him despite the thousands of Tickets he has won from me. I'm not on site as much nowadays as I have been previously & can't remember even seeing TEOG here for a year or more. But yesterday all the stars aligned & once again we locked horns in a best of 3 matches battle; I got lucky & won the first game. He won the next & the 3rd game was 121-120. Not gunna say who won, but damn you & your flushes. I got no hands that didn't have at least 3 suits & during the 3 games you managed to somehow get 4 flushes. With our paths seldomly crossing nowadays, I hope we play again. I swear I'll win next time or the time after that; or at least hopefully by the 7th time. But I have no probs losing to someone as skillful as TEOG. I often tuck my tail between my legs & analyse our games post mortem to see if I could've won if I'd played differently. The answer is often yes, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. But even when I chose a strategy I hope will be successful against him next time, he plays differently & I lose again. Now that I think about it, I'm starting to get angry. Just joking, TEOG's a legend in my eyes & I'm happy to donate to his retirement fund. Nothing beats the thrill I get of actually beating him once in a blue moon.
Posted by
(VIP) 13 Apr 2022 4:39pm
You should hindsight the game we played for 200 me dealing 117-120. Everyone I tell the story to can’t believeit. I remember it well if you can’t.
You are a sad man Philo
Posted by
(VIP) 21 Apr 2022 1:06pm
Can only guess you want to be known as the best, but the fact is Teog is better than you; get over it. Oh my god, while the game you mentioned may hold significance to you, I can't even remember it. It was for 200 Tix you say? While for you that may be a significant amount, it isn't for me. Not sure how me posting a complimentary thread to the EASILY the best player I have played on this site somehow morphed into some random game where you beat me. That's sad mate, I think you need therapy & obviously the 200 Tix you won that time; if what you are saying is true.
Insert a
Posted by
(VIP) 21 Apr 2022 1:41pm
Apparently I was up 120-117 in a game I don't remember & lost it, wow who hasn't lost under such circumstances. You say: "Everyone I tell the story to can't believe it". I say: They are pandering to your desire for significance to your face & quitely laughing at you behind your back. Winning a game from 117-120 is nothing extraordinary, so pretty sure your mates can believe it. What they probably can't believe is you won a game for 200 Tix & that's why they are amazed. As I said I can't remember it, but I do remember setting a table for 200 100's of times & inviting you to play. Also remember some of the ridiculous excuses you came up with to hide the fact you couldn't afford to play, lol.
Posted by
(VIP) 21 Apr 2022 10:52pm
Derc It’s obvious you live in a fantasy world. Teog and me know each other more than you could ever imagine. I don’t need to justify myself to you. My record speaks for itself. Feel free to look up all the games we played and see that you are on the losing end by far. As an example I will provide the specifics of the game in question and let everyone else verify that you’re an idiot. Keep playing me. Sure people have lost in this situation, but not like this. I’m dealing 117-120. I have 1347, you have 1457. We both threw QK. Play goes 1177, thank you. Anyone who knows crib would lead 4 in this spot for a retaliatory 7 on a 4 play or ace on a face play and win the game. Refresh your memory? Thanks for funding many vacations with plays like that.
nah, doesn't refresh my memory, still can't remember it or even know if it really happened or not.
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Apr 2022 7:02am
Wow, u got lucky, thankfully for you I had to lead; otherwise you would have lost with whatever card you played. Clearly the vacations you take are on a budget if I have funded many of them, lol. Do you consider it a vacation when you pitch a tent on a neighbor's lawn? Personally, when I take a vacation it costs $10k or more & 200 Tix would struggle to pay for a taxi to the airport. I'm leaning towards this being a made up story. How did you scrounge together 200 Tix to play me? Did you rob a bank, sell a kidney or break into your grandchild's piggy bank while they slept? How about you look up all the games we have played because my recollection is I bait you by losing lower value games & usually win the higher stakes ones. Have a nice day, hope you have managed to get the worm out of your throat & the hook from your cheek buddy.
2 possibilities for the alleged aforementioned game
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Apr 2022 7:31am
If the circumstances you describe truly did occur; I must have been lying on the floor drunk with the mouse under my head & accidentally clicked on it twice, which I'm not ruling out, lol. Otherwise, I would never lead the ace in that situation as I'd assume most times it could potentially give me a go & get me out if I was on 120. This fairytale you are telling just isn't making sense & doubt it happened as you say.
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Apr 2022 7:51am
Review it yourself genius if you can figure it out, not too difficult. 12/19 23:38 just after a game you donated another 200 at 23:22. Thanks for the thousands.
Look up
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Apr 2022 11:38pm
I did look up all the games we
Lookup 2
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Apr 2022 11:41pm
Played since December. Not surprised I’m 8-1 and up a bundle of $. You look it up. Not quite you’re sarcastic 98% but still 89% against someone who can’t win half their games. And I know there were times I got the best
Posted by
(VIP) 23 Apr 2022 5:42pm
Philo, ImDerc still believes that a book written by an unknown author in the 1970s is the authoritative book on cribbage, and should be considered the cribbage 'Bible'. See book report posts #1 and #2 below, and ImDerc's defense of all things Anderson. He cannot argue points effectively and when he cannot, he will begin calling people names. This is a common tactic amongst people who have run out of real ideas and original thoughts.
Posted by
(VIP) 1 May 2022 8:11am
Will respond to you in the next day or two Philo, but first I’m going to address the elephant in the room, hope he doesn’t object to me referring to him as an elephant, it’s all in jest. According to fairytales elephants are scared of mice, so that’s probably why he is seldomly in the main hall. It’s highly unlikely he’d open a free table & challenge anyone to join regardless of their ladder ranking; points rating or experience. That’s something I often do unlike many others on this site. To me it seems like the “so called” best players only want to play if it somehow benefits them. But for me, I’ll play anyone, anytime regardless of the consequences of winning or losing, I don’t care about that; I just play for fun & because I love the game. Are you a member of your beloved (CCA) ACC HOF Baker? I doubt it, so show respect to those who are; instead of insulting them by referring to them as unknown. As the old saying goes (hang on; I don’t want you to throw any unwarranted accusations at me; so I’ll just give you a unique variation of an old classic) a tea stained coffee cup with many chips has no right to accuse the kettle of being black. Just because you were originally unaware of whom cribbage's "modern" day pioneer was; until I educated you about Anderson, don't hold any childish grudges or make false claims against him. PS: the (CCA) stands for “couldn’t care about” & think it makes an appropriate palindrome for how everyone else around the world feels. Remember how you had to buy Anderson’s book from Amazon & it took forever to arrive? Then you got an inferior copy to the original version my Dad bought & I now have the privilege to own? If you can't trust Amazon, who can you trust? Dare I make a suggestion to you? Next time buy from a bookstore not a company that is a Jack of all trades & a master of none. Then there were your book reports; version 1 & 2, how funny were they? What were you thinking? Not sure what made you believe you had any authority to critique the first book ever written solely about cribbage, but please; for your sake, NEVER waste your time by doing that again, lol. Although I have to admit; they were champagne comedy & made me laugh. You should become a comedian Baker, maybe one day Will Smith will slap you if you learn to become more amusing, lol. Also please never lie again & pretend you have read anything written by Hoyle just because you have read a book with his name in the title. Thankfully you are a self confessed expert at understanding ye olde English vernacular, but unless you somehow managed to get your hands on a book written centuries ago, sorry to burst your bubble; but you haven’t read anything Hoyle wrote; only blatant plagiarism. What you most likely read was some unauthorised version published by one of many random secondary or tertiary authors. To gain a modicum amount of ill deserved credibility, the aforementioned random authors included Hoyle’s name on the cover. Sorry to break the news to you; but you got cat fished; hook, line & sinker. Are you interested in a ponzi scheme I have? I swear I’ll make you rich, but not as rich as me, lol. Who knows whether they had actually read Hoyle’s original writings and copied them verbatim or just adlibbed it; your guess is as good as mine. The truth is you haven’t read anything Hoyle wrote & neither have I. But at least I’m not delusional enough to believe for a second I have; even though I have also read several books that had Hoyle’s name attributed to them. All of which described several different card games; unlike “All about cribbage”, which was pioneering & somewhat biblical. Feel free to repeat your ridiculous claim that Anderson was guilty of plagiarism himself. I can only guess that makes more sense to you than acknowledging or understanding he simply wrote the most common rules he’d encountered in his 50+ yrs of playing when he wrote “All about cribbage” (which I repeat was the first ever book solely concerning cribbage). In your eyes he had no possibility of clarifying the rules; on one hand if he reiterated the most common rules, that's plagiarism. On the other hand if he used his own terminology; surely that wouldn't satisfy you & you'd accuse him of making rules up to enable him to win more games. You accused him of both in your hilarious book reports. Think if he was alive & you said that to him, he'd just laugh at you & I share his probable mirth. Who are you? Sorry, I have googled your name & the only thing I found was a reference to a book written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (not Hoyle). How's Mycroft going? He was always the smartest to reside at 222b Baker St & doubt he would have posted anything you have if the internet was around back then, lol. I have to end this now because I have run out of original thoughts, LMAO.
You're just a child
Posted by
(VIP) 4 May 2022 7:01am
With thoughts of a child. Get fired up much? Just hate it when people are right and you are wrong so you can just start calling people names? Yea. I thought so. Mycroft never resided at 221. Even a rookie would have known that.
More champagne comedy Baker, bravo, keep up the good work.
Posted by
(VIP) 7 May 2022 5:15am
You are a masterful chipped tea stained cup, way to wily from this blackened kettle. I understand & appreciate your less is more approach to comedy. But if you crave a slap from Will Smith, try to be... umm... maybe be just a little bit more creative. Think if you tried to mock Jada by using words such as "child" & "rookie"; Will may mistake you for a special needs comedian & clap you instead of slapping you. As you may have guessed; I've never actually wasted my time reading any of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writings, just remember what my mum inadvertently taught me by talking about his books. Personally I prefer reading non fictional books. The extent of my knowledge is: 1. Sherlock lived at 221b Baker St (allegedly, see point 4 for further clarification) 2. Even he admitted to being dumber than his brother Mycroft. 3. He dabbled in drugs that where socially acceptable during his fictional life, but in today's society; he would be referred to as a junkie. 4. There's a possibility both he & Dr Holmes did spend a few years living with Mycroft; I suspect they may have been couch surfers. How else can it be explained that he lived at that address in the early 1880's; when pretty much everyone knows that address didn't exist because the world famous Madame Tussauds wax museum blocked off the end of Baker St in real life until 1884. Do I get fired up? Like everyone else; occasionally I do, but wouldn't use the adverb "much". What do you mean by calling people names rather than admitting when I'm wrong? Do you mean like using words such as child or rookie? lol. Or do you mean like accusing someone of plagiarism; using kitchen rules or trying to fool people so that they win more games just because you didn't know anything about who was in your beloved (CCA)ACC HOF & someone had to inform you about their qualifications maybe? Guess you find that easier than accepting several home truths about yourself. I once suffered from similar thoughts of grandeur as you obviously do; do you want the contact details of the psychiatrist who taught me how to laugh at myself & others?? Admittedly; I have always had creativity on my side, so your path to redemption will most likely take longer than mine, but happy to connect you to someone if you want. But as the adage goes, the first step is to admit you have a problem & if you can’t, no one can save you, you are a lost cause. But regardless of what direction you choose to go at the imminent fork in the road you are travelling on, I’ll forever like you & the amusement you provide me. Even if Will Smith feels too much pity towards you to give you a caressing slap & instead gives you a standing ovation, I’ll support you. How do you insert a youtube song into this thread? I really want to dedicate the song “Lean on me” by Bill Withers to my mate Baker & hopefully it enables him to keep his chin up. Stay strong my friend.
Here's another book recommendation I have for you Baker.
Posted by
(VIP) 7 May 2022 5:31am
I know you didn't like the last book I recommended, but hopefully you enjoy this one more. Can only guess you haven't read this book either; or if you did, you missed the reference to Anderson in the book's introduction. Highly recommend you read Frank & Simon Buttler's book about cribbage. It gives a father & son's perspective.
Back to Philo
Posted by
(VIP) 9 May 2022 3:36am
AS I said, didn't remember the game you were referring to, but after reviewing it, enjoyed it post mortem; even though I lost
Up for a challenge Philo?
Posted by
(VIP) 9 May 2022 4:54am
It was a seesaw game where no one got better cards overall, they evened out. Even the pegging was 20pts each heading into the last hand, I enjoy games like that & even though I lost; I'm sure I would have done so with dignity & congratulated you on your victory. You claim I lost because I made the mistake of leading with my ace instead of my 4 & you are correct somewhat. Think the cribbage gods would have made me lose anyway; if I had lead with a 4; they would given you a 4 too instead of an ace. We had almost mirror hands; even the cards we put IC & as I said I was unfortunate in that I had to lead. There was a 75% chance you would pair any card I played & almost as much chance you would do the same whatever card I played next. If you had to lead, I couldn't have lost. The cribbage gods can be cruel at times & clearly they had it in for me that game & also the other game we played just before that; as you mentioned. How do you manage to win a game 127 vs 106 when you get outplayed in pegging 12pts to your opponents 25pts? Being dealt better cards is the answer. Not going to hold any grudges against the cribbage gods; I understand part of their job is to be spiteful & they had a good laugh at my expense that day, lol. Glad that $400 enabled you & your family to go camping on your neighbor's lawn; I wasn't that lucky. Personally, I had to work my usual 4 days of the week & when I walked the 100 metres from my house to the beach, the sand was hot & I received 2nd degree burns to my feet. Also suffered severe sunburn; especially to my nose, my friends have just stopped calling me Rudolf. Life's tough for me, but please don't shed any tears, I'll be OK. PS: The reason I have no fear of playing you is because I have confidence in my ability to outpeg you. Up for a $200 game where the person who scores more pegging points wins? If so, I'll teach you how to play pegger, which is a manually scored game I invented & can be played on this site.
Best players?????
Posted by
9 May 2022 11:49am
IMO there is no such thing, if you get the cards you win if you don't you loose. No one can beat luck on single games. Over the period of say 100 games a "good player" may win 55 or so, the player who "looses" with 45 is NOT necessarily a bad player he just had bad luck for 5 of the 100 games.
whatever Philo and ImD
Posted by
(VIP) 9 May 2022 5:31pm
no need to post your differences.
Posted by
(VIP) 10 May 2022 10:24am
Sorry if you mistook any of my posts for irreconcilable differences between myself & Philo. We have played 100's of games against each other & I'm happy to play 100's more against him. He is a worthy opponent; not quite as good as Teog though IMO. I get bored easily & find it amusing to poke at the bears, I knew this thread would bring a couple out & that's why I started it in the first place. Neither of the bears I caught in my trap would directly claim to be better than Teog, but I assure you they replied to put their names in the mix of claiming to be the best player, lol. I apologise to you Texas if you mistook that for any genuine beef I have with either Philo or Baker, there whole existence is for my amusement, lol.
Making contact
Posted by
12 May 2022 12:06pm
ImDerc, it would be nice to be able to converse outside of this forum, but I am not sure how to make contact. Any ideas? Thanks!
Posted by
(VIP) 19 May 2022 9:43am
Happy to chat. Next time we are in the main hall together either set a table & invite me or click on my name & send a private message that way.
Posted by
(VIP) 20 May 2022 5:37am
You miss the point Derc 447 game, you win if you had any idea what you were doing. No thanks on a pegging match. I’ll keep my eye out for you in main hall for a donation
Posted by
(VIP) 21 May 2022 9:54am
You won both games you brought to my attention through sheer luck. Let's say you had to play the first card instead of me, you lose everytime. You only won because I had to lead & you had 3 cards that matched mine. I made a slight mistake, but even by doing that 99% of the time I'd win if you didn't have almost a mirror hand of mine. Yes; I made a mistake, happy to admit it, but that didn't cost me the game, getting 5 cards identical to yours did. That's my explanation of why I lost that game, love to hear your explanation for why I lost the game before when you only manged to scrounge 12pts in cribbing when by my count you could have easily got 16 or more. you played crap in that game & won because of better hands, if it had been as close as the second game you would have lost due to your poor play, not just the 1 mistake I made in your holy grail match.
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