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I think higher rated players should have to play some (very few) lower ranked opponents.
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I think higher rated players should have to play some (very few) lower ranked opponents.
Posted by nzymatic 15 Dec 2021 5:03pm

There would be more games played and those games have lots riding on them. One out of every 10 games?!? Just spitballing

Posted by iPeg (VIP) 15 Dec 2021 8:07pm

Higher rated players are not necessarily the best. They are only higher rated because they are very selective in who they play, only opponents who are slightly below or above their rating. It’s more patience and discipline than skill.

Posted by egregius99 16 Dec 2021 11:42am

The ratings system disincentivizes players from “playing down” to someone lower in ratings. It is true that these ratings are not necessarily a true measure of skill. I would like to see players rated by win %. I think it would encourage more play. Win % is, I believe, the best gauge to measure skill. Ratings as they are now prevent some from just playing anyone.

Posted by xeasygoin 17 Dec 2021 1:27pm

Exactly. Win% would totally solve this ongoing concern.

Posted by CribCutee123 (VIP) 17 Dec 2021 1:57pm

I love this suggestion. I think after you refuse to play so many players, you should have no option but to play the next player that invites you.

Ratings again…
Posted by KyllerB (VIP) 17 Dec 2021 4:50pm

Just enjoy the game of Cribbage, win or lose! Ratings and win % can be and will be manipulated for those that deem it necessary (bragging rights, false perception of playing similarly skilled players and finding a game quickly etc.). My suggestion is, when a player sends out an open invitation, they have to play the first player that joins the table for 1 game. If they bail, they lose the game. If higher rated players don’t like that rule, then DON’ T waste people time by being so selective! Send out a private invite to the players that meet their criteria.

Have you ever tried?
Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 2 Jan 2022 1:39pm

Try playing without the rating on there. You can play games unrated, so it really doesn't matter. If someone wants to play and is 'fearful' of their artificial ratings going down, they should not hesitate to play an unrated game.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 6 Jan 2022 9:58am

Imagine there's no ratings, it's easy if you try.
A GC world where if you want to play; anyone onsite would be up for a game because it's a fun game to play regardless if you win or lose.

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