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Time Checks on Table Play in Tourneys
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Time Checks on Table Play in Tourneys
Posted by
(TD) 16 Aug 2021 4:49pm
Though this is not such a problem in Cribbage... We have a new rule in place concerning play time that applies to all tourney rooms.
Some of you may have seen the following posted in Tourneys recently: THE CURRENT INCREASE IN ABUSE OF TIME ON THE PLAY CLOCKS, IS POOR SPORTSMANSHIP, SHOWS DISRESPECT FOR OTHER PLAYERS AND THE T.D. AND CAUSES UNNECESSARY DELAY OF TOURNEY. A NEW G C POLICY IS BEING IMPLEMENTED. WE ARE MOVING TO 15 SECOND TIME CLOCKS, THOUGH TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING FROM 20 SECONDS TO 15 SECONDS WILL TAKE SOME TIME. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES ARE NOW IN PLACE. ***AND T.D.'S DECISIONS ARE FINAL 1. TDs are now watching the timeliness of the moves on any table from the outside without being watchers. 2. Several delays by any player beyond 15 sec per move would result in DQ. If both players are found to delay games, both players will be DQd
Our time/table checks involve tracking players that consistently take over 15 seconds for their moves. We will come to the table and warn time delay issues a few times before DQ happens. Not every table will be check for every play – so if there is a problem at your table, you should notify the TD to start checking the playtimes.
Our purpose is not to penalize players who need a little extra time making decisions, but it is meant to curb the intentional time dragging that is done just to annoy the others, or throw them off in their play.
Things that I’ve seen recently: players that will take 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and more to pass on the first cut card. OR who have Gin hands, and don’t knock until 20, 30 , 40 seconds have passed.
We know we have lost some tourney players due to long delays in play. And in order to keep our tourneys running smoothly, we needed to make some changes for the good of all players. ( and Tournament Directors, as it is equally frustrating for them to have 5 people sitting in a tourney room being held up waiting for one table to play)
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