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It's now: Mar 19, 5:26pm EST |
Posted by
(VIP) 27 May 2021 4:46pm
The French government hired a scientist to find out the effects their national delicacy of frogs legs had on frogs & their ability to jump.
To do so he was asked to amputate 1 leg each day & record any results he noticed.
Day one:
The scientist amputated the frog's front left leg & said jump. It jumped pretty normally but was a bit shaky on landing. The scientist wrote in his journal: after amputating one of the frog's legs, the frog still jumps.
Day two:
The scientist amputated the frog's front right leg & said jump. It's back legs propelled it roughly the same distance, but without any front legs to help it land it's nose skidded upon landing. The scientist wrote in his journal after amputating both of the frog's front legs, the frog still jumps.
Day three:
The scientist amputated the frog's back left leg & said jump. It wasn't a pretty sight, the frog managed to spasm forward a bit & the landing was pretty nasty & resulted in the frog suffering a blood nose. The scientist felt a bit bad, but he gave the frog credit for his effort, so he wrote in his journal after amputating three of the frog's legs, the frog still jumps.
Day four:
The scientist amputated the frog's back right leg & said jump, but the frog didn't move. He told it to jump 3 or 4 more times, getting more & more frustrated & louder each time, but it just stayed still. He screamed jump one more time & that was it, the frog hadn't moved, so he wrote in his journal after amputating all 4 of the frog's legs it became deaf.
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