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Play backgammon tournaments online
It's now: Mar 16, 5:35pm EST |
Posted by
(TD) 9 Nov 2020 7:12pm
Hi Players. We are seeking your input on what might help increase participation in the monthly "TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS". Traditionally the tourney was at 4 pm on the first Sunday after the 1st of the month. We recently changed to time to 5 pm on Sunday. And current format is a double elim tourney set for 1 pt.
PLEASE RESPOND BELOW >>> with any thoughts or changes, or ideas or general input you might have on increasing player participation in the Tournament of Champions.
This is YOUR tourney to recognize the winners of tournament matches through the month... and we want it to be accessible to as many of you as possible. THANKS... appreciate the time you take to let us know your thoughts!
Tourney of Champions
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Nov 2020 3:57pm
Hi to all.
1. about the day of the Tourney - we all should add 7 (days) to 1 (first day of a month) to play all year long in the 8th day of the month. It will be very easy to remember and will satisfy the players that can not play at all on a certain day (like every Sunday). Also, GameColony knowing in advance the day of the Tourney, it could send attention emails tho those who qulified to Toutney of Champs, one day prior. 2. about the hours of the Tourney - I am well awere that most players are within the USA, but the 5PM makes it 11/12 midniht in central/eastern Europe or 01/02AM in east Asia. (Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iran have together more players than any part of the world. They should be attracted somehow to GameColony). 3. about the 15 added Tickets - the whole amount goes to nr. 1. That is not right. The winner plays a person, in order to win. That person should be awarded as well with something (from the special award not from the entry fee). Or, do not give 15 Tickets away, instead make the Tourney free of collecting a percentage of each player's entry fee. My intuition is that many players will like that, especialy because is an AWARD for ALL those who join. So, ALL players will feel like they were rewarded somehow extra for winning a regular Tourney.
Posted by
(TD) 16 Nov 2020 11:45pm
Monthly BG Tourney
Posted by
(VIP) 18 Nov 2020 8:01am
The monthly tourney could be tweaked a bit....A couple of months ago, the tourney took over 2 hours to complete. I am VERY reluctant to enter the tourney if I can't commit at least two hours. The length of time can be attributed to one or two players routinely exceeding the 20 second time limit. Some players will delay even rolling the dice for 20 or 30 seconds (which, I believe, violates the spirit of the rule). I have asked a few players if they were aware of the tourney and why they didn't enter and most said they were aware but did not want to spend the amount of time it takes to complete. If the 20 rule exists, why are there no consequences for players who repeatedly violate it?
Posted by
(VIP) 19 Nov 2020 2:21am
You are so right, DevinsCat. The 20 seconds rule does not work. I have brought this ploblem in attention of site admins long ago. I was told at that time that the game is not finished after time is gone, because it may be an internet connection problem... but that is not opponents fault neither. There should be three different time settings, to suits all. And at Tourneys, should be 10 or 8 seconds per move and maximum 1 minute time bank. After all time is gone, match should finish automatically.
Timing and Connection issues
Posted by
(moderator) 19 Nov 2020 11:19am
There are at least 2 issues with timing:
(1) The times that you see displayed are your local time-related - this is for your reference only. The real time spent by players is determined by the server. When connection from your location to GameColony servers is slow, there can be a visible difference in local time spent vs server-measured time spent.
(2) For the first 3 times after player's time-per-move expires, that player keeps receiving warnings. During these 3 times this player, however, gets some additional time to allow for connection lag. We do not condone a simplistic competition on whose connection is marginally better - it's who has a better position that counts!
After the 3rd time-per-move expiration, no additional time is given. On occasion, it may take up to additional 15 seconds on the part of the server to act regarding time-per-move expiration.
DevinsCat and Coco and Webmaster
Posted by
(TD) 19 Nov 2020 7:28pm
Appreciate the time clarification Webmaster! The monthly tourney did take an incredibly long amount of time a few months ago... but has been reset to a different format since then, and is back to running between 1/2 hour and 1 hour.
Concerning the timing of play.. if a player is continually running down the clock each play, sometimes it is obvious that it is on purpose. In those cases, it is best to call the TD to the table to monitor the play. I have found personally upon being called to monitor play, that sometimes (and just sometimes) the play speeds up and becomes more smooth with TD on the table watching the moves..again, just my observation.
Email Reminder
Posted by
(VIP) 6 Dec 2020 11:55am
I really like Coco's idea of game colony sending the qualified participants an email one day ahead. Even though it's usually on Sunday, it's frequently at a different time, and I can't keep track of the Sunday that it is, so I sometimes just miss it. An email one day ahead would give me an opportunity to set a reminder.
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Play backgammon tournaments online
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