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Posted by TexasRose (VIP) 2 Nov 2020 12:46pm

What irritates me a lot is when I open a table, invite all, some play joins and within 1 (one) second leaves.

Texas Rose
Posted by gjamies1 16 Nov 2020 7:57am

Could also say the opposite, players invite, you join they go, or even worse, they sit on the board with play alongside, you join their table and nothing, absolute silence, so I leave, but why want to play. Seems like they take up a table for show.

Posted by TroutWrangler (VIP) 9 Dec 2020 1:56am

I've noticed that happens more often when the player that I try to play has a higher ranking. They risk having their # come down quite a bit if they lose to someone ranked a lot lower. I think...?

In fairness
Posted by Bkind (VIP) 15 Dec 2020 4:43pm

I have joined a couple games...for whatever reason it showed I left table, which I did not least not knowingly...try to go back in to play and have been blocked....

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 17 Dec 2020 8:29pm

(I like your username) What happened there is the player that you joined booted you from the table. That effectively blocks you and prevents you from rejoining a table. That is done by players who have an insane obsession with artificial points that are meaningless. Just move on and play someone else regardless of how many "monopoly points" they have. Learn that those points are not a measure of anything except for that player's ego. They can be easily manipulated and are in no way representative of the player's skill level. If you are really interested in playing for skill then play for ladder points or become a VIP player and play for tix. That's where the 'cashable' points are made. If you want to just play for fun, ignore the rankings. They mean nothing.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 19 Dec 2020 1:06am

What squire said.
I actually thought that was a joke posted by someone with the name Blind (ie oblivious to what is going on).
Only when I reread it did I notice the username was actually bkind, lol.
Some/many people see a high rating, meaningless number next to their name & think it makes them a better player than others. You just need to learn to find amusement in their lack of confidence to play someone rated lower than themselves because they are too scared to lose their all important (totally meaningless) rating.

play all
Posted by zabnar 7 Jan 2021 2:16am

I got sick of joining tables long ago .. for the same reason. I pride myself on inviting all and hitting the start button as soon as anyone joins. i will ban people for Not pressing start, though.

My take on this
Posted by shwatson 10 Jan 2021 7:28am

I enjoyed the comments so far. Here is how I look at it: If I open a table and do not invite anyone than I have the choice of whether to play someone or not if they join my table. If I do invite a particular person; I should play that person; or if I invite "All" then I should play all.

Lots of comments on ratings so here goes for me: It's fine to feel I should play everyone that sits at my table but that's a quick way to a low rating and then good luck finding a game. There are also the players who lurk waiting for a higher rating and either play only until they have a good chance of winning; or are "one and done" especially if they win.

One more thing: This point has been touched on but let me expand it a bit. It is in regards to playing someone with a wide gap in ratings. I feel the penalty or reward is too great in these instances. Something along the lines of a maximum change in rating of 10 to 15 would be more reasonable in my opinion.

At any rate as much as possible come and have fun within the existing framework. It's the best site I can find at the moment.

Posted by Marroons 12 Jan 2021 5:37am

There's definitely point snobism stemming from ego management.

To a lesser degree there are players who hog the table for hours and even days. They've been reported based on chats I saw, but management keeps them. Are they accounts hanging in cyberspace or are they using the chat feature for other reasons than cribbage (I will leave you fill in the blanks).

What irritates me are players setting up multiple accounts to play against themselves again for loading their score. It would be easy to check for the managers if they are using the same few devices or IP addresses.

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) 15 Jan 2021 12:31am

I just thinking the whole rating system should be abolished for players that don't play for Tickets, it has no genuine meaning other than making people feel like they are better than others, which is often not the case. It also creates situations where people refuse to play others.
If it was abolished for everyone who wants to play for free, everyone would be willing to play each other, which isn't the case ATM.

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Play cribbage tournaments online

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