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missing td for tourney
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missing td for tourney
Posted by Angie7779 (VIP) 6 Aug 2020 9:09pm

how do we contact a TD when they are Mia for a tourney?

Missing TD
Posted by Pearle 7 Aug 2020 11:04pm

This is a GREAT question Angie. If a TD knows they cannot cover their scheduled tourney, they either ask Admin to find a sub or they find someone to cover for them. Rarely does it happen that a TD is MIA for their own tourney, but sometimes .... emergencies come up and ... things happen. If you should find yourself in a tourney with no TD the best thing to do is to immediately send a contact us telling the webs what room you are in and that the TD is missing. Another thing you could do is check to see if there is an ongoing tourney in another room, i.e. Backgammon or Gin, and go into the room to let the TD know that a TD is missing and they will do their best to try to find someone to cover.

In the event that neither of those options work, just leave the room and do not withdraw from the tourney and as soon as Webs or another TD or admin notice the pending tourney, we will remove the tourney and all players will be refunded.

Thanks for asking that great question and I hope this helps.

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