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one game players
Posted by hantscricket (VIP) 28 May 2020 5:15pm

Being fairly new to Game Colony I notice people compla
ining of playing one game, then leaving, is this any worse than higher ranked players not playing lower ranked players?

one game players
Posted by gooders2 (VIP) 30 May 2020 11:58am

no this is not high rank players do play lower plres its when you play runners as we call them they play one game and run when winning when if they loose they want to play agaign if they win they run no dec game

one game players
Posted by JennyMal 17 Aug 2020 2:16am

No, it is not any worse, imo.
Higher ranked players are terrified of dropping in the rankings if they lose. Which to me means they KNOW they were lucky and do not have the skills to get back up.

One Game Player
Posted by JAFU57 17 Aug 2020 8:49am

Most, if not all higher rank players refuse to play lower rank players because they're afraid to lose their precious fake internet rankings. I play whoever shows up regardless of ranking

Posted by 221bBakerSt (VIP) 17 Aug 2020 11:41pm

Forget about the rankings. They mean nothing.

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Play cribbage tournaments online

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