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Am I in the wrong place?
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Am I in the wrong place?
Posted by gerryxyz 19 Apr 2020 3:59pm

I joined very recently. Based on my experience from a past cribbage site, I decided to say nothing. All went well until today a player felt the need to type “ congratulations champ. You < profanity edited >. Is this typical? Are nonchatting players not welcome? Thx

Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 20 Apr 2020 7:42pm

I've been on this site for 20 years. Generally, players will accept a non-chatting opponent if you say hi, gl or gg. Chat during the game is not required. Non chatters are of course welcome, but take it from a vet who has been around a long time, your being friendly whether you are online OR in person goes a long way towards relationships in general. Imagine if we met in person you said hi to me and I just stood there ignoring you. How would that make you feel? I'm not saying that is what happened with your game, but I've found typing two little letters (gl) or (hi) receives a much better response than silence. It is a choice that each player has to make.

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