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Sat Apr 11 - FREE-to-enter dominoes tournament paying 10 Tickets to winners!
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Sat Apr 11 - FREE-to-enter dominoes tournament paying 10 Tickets to winners!
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 10 Apr 2020 1:17pm

Apr 11 at 4PM EST we are having a FREE-for-all dominoes tournament paying 10 Tickets to winners!

Apr 11 Dominoes Tournament is FREE -- it is open for all registered players - Ticket players and non-Ticket players.

In the tourney, a Tournament Director (TD) will help instruct new players on how to properly set the table, and also will go over tourney rules and answer any questions new players might have.

And to make this EVEN BETTER, the winners of the tourney will get 10 Tickets.

We know there are a lot of players out there who have never had the chance to experience the thrill of tourney play and this will give all of you the opportunity to learn, play and possibly win some extra tickets!

Please note that there is a limit of 40 players so if you want to join, please sign up early and be sure to be in the tourney room 10 minutes prior to start so we can go over what needs to be covered.

This is very exciting news and we (all the Tournament Directors) hope to see some of you new players in these special tournaments.
The schedule for these free tournaments is as follows:

4 : 00 PM GC Time:
GIN RUMMY....1st Saturday of each month
DOMINOES.....2nd Saturday of each month
CRIBBAGE.....3rd Saturday of each month
Backgammon...4th Saturday of each month

The signup will be available 1 day prior to the tournament - on Friday Mar 27.

On iPhone & Android devices, our Dominoes app lists upcoming tournaments via Menu->Tournaments.
At most, 4 pending tournaments are listed on top in bold lettering.
Once the tourney is listed, you can select it, see its list of participants and, (on iPhone) on the bottom, use 'Sign Up'.

We hope to see you there!

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